The Arrangement_29

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I had been married for three months now and surprisingly I couldn't be happier.

"Would you do it all over again?" One of mine an David's friends asked.

"I want to say no, but a small part of me still says yes."

"Your whipped." He clowned me.

"It is what it is." I shrugged.

Tonight I came out with my friends, it was actually Lila that insisted I have a guys night. In trying to prove how faithful and committed I am to her I had abandoned my friends.

I also received good news in the form of a real estate offer.

"So are you sure about this client, I'm really only showing it to serious buyers." I said.

"Of course, look she's a Canadian business woman who is trying to branch her business out here and is looking for a more permanent spot. And I think your old place is perfect." My good friend Kevin said.

"Fine, bring her by next week and I'll let y'all look around."

We drank a few drinks then I hailed a cab home where I found Lila on the sofa reading on her little Kindle.

"Have fun tonight?" She asked.

I bent down and kissed her, "it was fun, I didn't realize how much I had missed being away from them."

I loosened my tie and sat down on the sofa with her, she snuggled into my side and I smiled a content sort of smile.

"Oh, do you remember my friend Kevin?"

"The real estate agent?"

"Yes, he thinks he has the perfect client to take my old apartment off my hands finally."

"That's great." She sounded excited.

. . .

"Baby don't forget that we have to pick up your Father for the graduation." Lila said as she walked toward the front door.

"Where are you off to?" I asked surprised.

"I have to go into work something happened to two of Melissa's biggest accounts, I think they left the company but I don't know for sure."

"Babe you know I have to meet with a potential buyer in a couple of minutes."

"Baby I swear it won't even be an hour, i'll meet you at the old apartment as soon as I'm done and we can leave from there." She said as she pecked my lips, "I promise we won't be late."

I left after she did and headed out to my old apartment. I got there and pulled the blinds open to expose the windows, the views in this place were the main selling point.

As time ticked by Kevin hadn't shown up. I looked down at my watch quickly growing discouraged until nearly 25 minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

I let out a sigh of relief and answered the door.

"Hello," I said as friendly as I could upon seeing the woman. "You must be Kevin's Client."

"Mr. Bower has asked that you show me the apartment without him, it was apparently a family emergency."

"Please come in." I said as I closed the door behind her, "I hope it isn't anything serious."

"I hope not either."

I showed her the place as professionally as I could and answered as many questions to the best of my knowledge.

"The last room was originally an office but I converted it into a small guest bedroom, their is a full closet and is located near the half guest restroom." I said.

She turned to look at the restroom and I assumed she had begun making her way and we ended up bumping into each other.

"Oh gosh, I am terribly sorry." The middle aged woman said with a blush.

"Uh, it's ok just please stop moving."

She must have had a loose string or something because when we ran into each other her sleeve right near where a cufflink would go got caught in my zipper.

I reached down and undid her button that closed the sleeve around her wrist then I unzipped my slacks.

A thin thread still attached to he blouse came free and we both silently knew that this showing was over.

As I walked out of the room I zipped my pants back up and found Lila standing in the living room.

"Thank you, it surely was a most memorable showing. I will be in touch."

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