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I woke up to the sun streaming through my curtains, it was 7 o'clock on a Monday morning. I finally finished my last year of school 4 years ago, and I was currently living in a shared house.

I tried falling back asleep, but the sun wasn't allowing me to do so. I tumbled out of bed and made my way down the stairs. I could hear my housemate, Kate, in the kitchen.

"What're you making?" I asked, yawning.

"Pancakes." She replied, not looking up from the stove.

"Smells good." I said, sneaking a strawberry from her freshly cut up pile. She looked up and frowned.

"Get your own breakfast." She snarled.

"I didn't want any of that junk anyway." I said cheekily.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that." She muttered as she flipped over the golden brown pancake.

I sat down on the lounge, biting into an apple and turning on the TV.

"You got a letter." Kate said, motioning towards the coffee table. A letter? I never got letters. That was odd. I looked over to the coffee table to see a white envelope with gold lace lining the edges. I picked it up and tore it open.

"Oh my gosh." I said, shocked.

"What?" Kate asked, turning around.

"Jorja's getting married!" I exclaimed.

"Jorja?" Kate said, confused.

"An old friend." I explained. Kate stopped listening and went back to her pancakes.

Jorja had been my best friend until i was 14, when I moved away from California. We'd kept in touch vaguely, but not much. I hadn't seen her in 6 years. In fact, I hadn't seen anyone from California in 6 years. I suddenly felt guilty that I hadn't spoken to anyone for so long. I'm surprised she still remembered me, to be honest.

I looked down at the invitation again.

We would like to invite you to the marriage of
Hudson Thomas and Jorja Carter

Hudson Thomas. I recognised that name. I racked my brain trying to figure out where I knew it from. School? Summer Jobs?
Suddenly, I realised.
Hudson had been Jorja's boyfriend since she was twelve. I'm surprised they had stayed together that long. They didn't really seem like a good pair, Jorja was shy and quiet while Hudson was a party animal. I had always hated Hudson when I was living in California, he was cocky and rude. I had tried to convince Jorja so many times to break up with him, but she always refused. Even though I didn't like Hudson, I was super happy for Jorja. I was glad that she had found a man that would care for her and love her. Who knows, maybe Hudson had changed from his childish ways, maybe he had grown to be a gentleman. Thinking about this, it brought back old memories. Memories I wanted to forget. Memories that I just wanted to leave behind in California and never look back on. It pained me to think so much about my old life, I missed it a lot.

"I'm going to work." Kate said as she slammed the front door. I stopped. How'd she eat her breakfast so fast? I looked over at the tiny clock that hung on the wall next to the fridge. The time was a quarter past eight. The past hour had flown by, and I'm not sure exactly how. I got up, went upstairs, and threw Jorja's wedding invitation on my messy desk. I flopped onto my bed and the realisation hit me. I was going back to California.

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