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I sat River down at the dining room table.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked him. I was looking him straight into his eyes.

"You're not Nancy." He replied, crossing his arms.

"I'm Sidney, your girlfriend." I told him. He slowly shook his head sideways.

"My girlfriend?" He asked, reluctant.

"Yep! We've known each other since we were thirteen." I said confidently.

"Is that so?" He said curiously, squinting one eye.

"Yeah, I use to live in California with you. I moved here six years ago." I explained.

"California?!" He said, obviously shocked.

"That's where you're from. That's where you live." I said. I think he was starting to remember.

"Then where are we now?" He said, leaning in closer.

"Canada!" I continued. He looked so fascinated with all this knowledge, it was pretty cute actually.

"What are we doing in Canada?" He yelled.

"You came to visit me." I explained calmly.

"How come I can't remember any of this?"

"My housemate, Kate bet you up yesterday. No need to worry, she's been arrested." I explained. River scrunched his nose up.

"I got beat up by a girl?" He asked, shocked. I laughed at him.

"Do you want something to eat? I'm kind of hungry." I said, standing up.

"I'll come! I love to cook!" He said excitedly. He was grinning, almost bouncing up and down from excitement. Maybe the new River wouldn't be so bad after all.

He pushed past me and went into the pantry, coming out a minute later with an armload of things. He dumped them all onto the bench.

"I'm making soup!" He said proudly. I watched him zoom around the kitchen, chopping things up and dumping them into a giant saucepan. He turned to me and ordered,

"You go out there, it's a surprise!"

I did as I was told, impressed. I sat down on the couch and started reading a booklet the paramedics had given to me, about the side affects of concussion.

10 minutes later, River emerged from the kitchen with two bowls of steaming hot soup and a tea towel over his shoulder.

"You sit there, I'll sit here." He said, pointing to a seat opposite of the one he was adding in front of. He placed one of the bowl in front of me and beamed,

"For my beautiful girlfriend with sparkly blue eyes!"

I smiled. He didn't remember me, but he was still trying to make me happy. I was so lucky to have him.

"Thankyou! Looks delicious!" I exclaimed, peering i to the bowl.

I was in fact, telling the truth. It did look delicious, except for a floating piece of who-knows-what. I secretly took that out when he wasn't looking.

I'd slurped my soup up in no time, so had River. I sat there, finishing the last spoonful when he got up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I spat.

"We need to get your friend out of jail!" He replied, slamming the door shut.

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