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River and I approached my front door. The sun had now gone down, leaving us in darkness.

I turned the handle and opened the door, holding it for River.

I turned to close the door, locking it behind me. As I turned back around, River let out a huge shriek.

I jumped around to see Kate sitting on the couch, reading a book like everything was plain normal.

River's eyes widened, he scooted himself backwards and held up his hands in defence.

"Why is she here?"

"Who let her in?"

"Please don't hurt me!" He yelled, picking up a pillow and hiding his head behind it.

I was in shock, I almost couldn't breathe. How the hell did she get in here?

Kate looked confused, as if nothing had even happened. I felt River cowering behind me, I turned to see him crouched behind my legs, hiding from Kate

I ran my fingers through his hair to let him know that everything would be alright. Poor thing, he'd just unexpectedly come across the person who had caused all this confusion.

As to Kate, I wasn't sure what to say or do. So, I stood there like an idiot.

A minute later, she got up and hugged me. I stood there motionless, I wasn't sure if she'd gone insane or not. I didn't want to upset her, in case she lashed out on me.

"It's good to see you, Sidney." She said, smiling. When I didn't reply, she crinkled up her nose and shrugged it off. She walked around me and crouched down in front of River.

"I don't know who you are or why you're in our house." She said sternly. River shrieked again in fear, trying to say something, but only stuttering.

"This is River. He's my boyfriend." I introduced. Kate's nose wrinkled up again. She looked him up and down and said,

"What kind of a name is that?"

River stood up, towering over her. She stepped back, like she was about to surrender.

"Better than yours!" He snorted. Kate rolled her eyes.

"Why are you even here?" She asked.

"Definitely not to see you, that's for sure!" River answered.

"So that gives you an excuse to break into my house?" She yelled, crossing her arms.

"Our house, actually." I corrected.

"Yeah!" River backed me up.

"What's a no good jerk like you hanging around with Sidney for anyway?" She said, snorting.

My jaw dropped. How dare she talk to him like that.

"Don't you dare talk to him like that again or I'll kill you!" I screamed. Kate laughed mockingly. I was furious at her, even more mad than I was at the police officer. I couldn't believe that just hours earlier we had been trying to bail her out of jail.

"I guess we have another no good jerk in our midst." She smirked. I didn't like her snarky little comment one bit. I had to restrain myself from slapping her right there. I could have, no problem. But I didn't.

"Let's go, River." I said, gripping firmly into his hand, dragging him out the door and slamming it behind me.

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