twenty six

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We decided the best thing to do was to go back to my old house,
so that's what we did.

The park we were at wasn't very far from my street, maybe a 10 minute walk. So River and I slowly made our way towards home. We chatted a bit, but I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. Something seemed weird, Toronto felt empty. There was no one on the street or at the park, not even the little kids who usually play a game of frisbee in the afternoons.

I was also dreading seeing Kate again. What would she say? What would I say? Would we be friends again? River could tell I was feeling uneasy. I knew because he put his arm around my shoulder to comfort me. He was good like that.

We turned the corner that took us to my street. I managed to avoid a loose paver that stuck up on the path, River not so lucky. He stumbled over it, kicking his toe on the curb.

"Ow!" He yelped. I giggled quietly at his clumsiness. He shook his head and grunted, flicking his hair.

I looked up. Three houses down, on the left was my house. I gulped. I was having second thoughts about returning.

"It'll be fine. I promise." River said, kissing my neck. I smiled gratefully at his compassion. He gave a big goofy grin, bearing his teeth. I laughed. I loved how he could stay calm and positive in situations like these.

We both shivered. The cold air was really starting to hit. I had no idea what the time was, but it was starting to get dark. Plus, my stomach was rumbling a lot.

We approached the house. I started to feel lightheaded, and I wasn't sure if it was my illness that was causing it.

"River, I don't feel so good." I whispered, my voice faint with fear.

River looked slightly worried, but he didn't react. He pushed a lock of his hair aside and tucked it behind his ear.

"C'mon." He said, matching my tone. I didn't want anything to happen to him. The events that occurred last time he came across Kate started flashing through my mind. I was scared, what if she lashed out on him?

River knocked solidly on the door and took a step back, holding my hand. He knew I was scared of being there.

We waited. 1 minute, 2 minutes, and soon it had been 5 and we had no response. River knocked again, this time even harder.

No response again. I tried peering through the window that was next to the door, but it everything seemed blurry.

"Hello?" I called out. Still, no answer. I turned the door handle, it was locked. I pounded two fists onto the door and rested my head against the wood. River placed a large, comforting hand on my back.

"She's not home." I said. Even though I had been scared before, now I felt mad.

"I know." River replied. He pulled me away from the door.

"Is there another way to get in?" He questioned. I hadn't thought of that.

"The back door!" I said excitedly.

"We always left it unlocked, incase we ever got locked out!" I exclaimed. We hurried around the house, skipping over the fence and landing in the tiny yard. I skidded across the deck and stopped in front of the glass door. I pulled it across and walked in, River not far behind me.

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