twenty three

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"Sidney" I was being shaken violently. My eyes fluttered open to find River's long hair falling over my face.

"You're alive, thank God." He sighed in relief, resting his head on my forehead.

"What?" I breathed. I was confused, what was happening?

"You were out cold!"
He exclaimed, pressing the back of his hand on my cheek.

"What's going on." I swallowed. It was hard to breath, it felt like my windpipes were blocked.

"You wouldn't wake up! I thought something had happened to you!" He said, his lip shaking slightly.

I blinked. None of this made sense. When had River returned? Where was Joaquin?

"Where's Joaquin?" I asked.

"What?" River asked.

I sat up, shaking my head.

"No, no this isn't right." I said.

River put his arm around my shoulder and sat down next to me.

"What's not right?" He asked.

"Everything." I sighed. My head was spinning and my eyes hurt.

"What do you mean?" He asked, biting his lip and looking at me worriedly.

"You were missing. You were gone, and Joaquin was here, and he was in a dumpster, and nothing made sense, but now everything else doesn't make sense." I rattled. I looked at him, and he placed a hand on my cheek. He smiled slightly, before hugging me.

"I think you were dreaming." He decided.

"But everything felt too real." I explained. He ruffled his hands through my hair and sighed,

"It's going to be okay."

"God, I hope so." I said.

I took a deep breath and everything went blank, and for a split second I could have sworn I saw Joaquin, and someone else, heading straight for us.

"Sidney!" River shrieked. I opened my eyes and everything was back to normal.

I was panting, and struggling to catch my breath. I felt light headed, and the sunlight felt like it was blinding me.

"River, oh lord." I sighed. I shook my head. I knew I had to stay with him, or something was going to happen.

"You can't leave me." I told him, holding his head in my hands.

"I never would." He assured me. I pulled his head in and kissed his forehead lightly.

I nodded my head slowly, before taking his hand and getting up.

"Where are we going?" He asked nervously. He pushed his hair behind his ear.

I looked back at him and sighed,

"We need to get out of here."

I held tightly onto his hand, not wanting to let go. I was scared, I just couldn't make out anything. The streets didn't seem familiar and I wasn't sure who I was.

I stopped walking and turned to River. His face was bloodied, and covered in scratches.

"River!" I screamed.

"Sidney? What's the matter?" He asked, his face was white with panic, but all the scratches were gone.

"I'm seeing things, I swear." I stuttered. He placed his hands on my shoulders and said,

"Everything is fine, I promise."

I nodded. Suddenly, everything went black.

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