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I was woken from my deep sleep when I felt the plane bump down onto the runway. I looked out of the window, memories from my old life flowing back to me. I shook them off, I wanted to remember nothing of that life. Just thinking about it made me upset, living there had been so much better than living in Canada.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we hope you had a nice flight. Please stay seated while we stop the plane." The pilot said over the loud speaker. I stretched my arms out and rubbed my eyes, the flight had been long and bumpy.

When the plane finally stopped moving, I unbuckled my seat belt and stood up. My legs were cramped and I desperately needed to stretch them. Jamie stood up too, stretching her arms out sideways, taking up the majority of my space.

The plane was just as crowded as the airport was and it took a good 20 minutes to get out of there. It was hot, stuffy, and there were at least half a dozen little kids screaming. I felt a pounding headache coming on.

When I got out of there, I walked down the metal steps onto the runway, my legs shaking uncontrollably. I looked around. I'd forgotten how beautiful Cali was. The air was warm and the light breeze blew my hair over my face.

I marched into the airport, collecting my bags. I waited out the front for a taxi. There seemed to be hundreds of people doing the same, the sidewalk was crowded and it made the wait slightly uncomfortable. It was hot and my forehead was sweating, my clothes were sticking to me. I held my hand up to my eyes to block the bright sun, fanning myself with the other. A bright yellow taxi sped around the corner smelling, strongly of petrol. It pulled up in front of me, the passenger door opening.

The driver appeared to be older, with a knotted, crusty grey beard and moles all over his face. I was hesitant in getting in, but I decided it would be rude not to.

"Where ya off too, love" The man said. I think I threw up in my mouth a little, his teeth were rotting and his breath smelt of cigarettes.

"Uh, hotel California." I replied, choking a bit on the cigarette stench.
The driver nodded, put his foot down on the accelerator and began driving. I felt the speed pick up, it felt as if we were speeding. I panicked a little, the driver seemed to be paying no attention what-so-ever to the speed he was going at. He was swerving on all sides of the road, recklessly weaving between other drivers. I was too shy to say anything, so I just sat back, closed my eyes and came to the conclusion that I was going to die.

The driver suddenly yanked the steering wheel, forcing the car to swing around in a full 180 degree turn. The car stopped. I had to catch my breath, I had stopped breathing for a few seconds there.

"That'll be $20, love." The driver said, holding out his hand.

"No way am I going to pay you!" I said in my head. I handed him the cash and got out quickly. The smell of burnt rubber overruled everything, and there were fresh skid marks on the road. The man drove off, speeding back down the highway.

"I hope you get fired!" I called out behind him, only after he had driven out of sight so he wouldn't hear me.
Multiple people gave me a look, but I ignored them. I turned to face the huge hotel. I gulped and walked in.

"Sidney Parks." I said nervously to the reception lady.
She handed me a key and pointed at the elevator, smiling.

"Level 3, on your left."

"Thankyou." I said politely.

I entered my room and collapsed on my bed. It was only 6pm, but I was exhausted.

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