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"You better hurry, you're going to be late for your flight!" Kate said through the car window.

It was 5:30am and I was at the airport, preparing to fly back to California.

"Thanks again for driving me." I smiled as I struggled to get my broken suitcase to move off the kerb.

Kate drove off, suffocating me in engine fumes. I grunted as I kicked the wheels of the case, forcing them to move.
The cold morning breeze hit my face as I walked across a large concrete courtyard into the airport. It was crazy busy, there were people everywhere.

I waddled into the warm airport, my legs thawing.
I threw my suitcase onto the long conveyer belt and checked in, heading straight for the gates. My plane was due to leave in an hour and I was already running late.

When I reached the gate, the plane was finishing up boarding its passengers. I ran to the lady at desk and thrusted my boarding pass at her. She looked up, readjusting her glasses.

"You just made it." She said in a slightly annoying accent. She pointed at the bridge leading into the plane and motioned for me to get on.

I hurriedly walked across the bridge until I reached the entrance of the plane. I'd forgotten how chilly it was outside, so it was a bit of a shock when the air hit my body again. The man standing at the entrance held out his hand. Did he want a handshake or something?

"Your boarding pass, miss." He said.

"Oh right, sorry." I apologised, handing him the crumpled piece of paper.

"Miss Sidney Parks?" He asked.
I nodded.

"Towards the back, your seat is on the right." He told me, handing back the boarding pass.

I sat down in my seat, adjusting the chair. I never liked planes, as a child I'd always worry that they would crash. I hadn't been on one since we moved.

"First time flying?" A middle aged lady sitting next to me asked.

"Uh, no, second time actually."
I replied awkwardly.
I wasn't really in the mood for chatting.

"Say, what's a young lady like you doing travelling so far alone?" She questioned.

"Wedding." I answered, giving the hint that I didn't want to talk.
It seemed as if the lady didn't take the hint.

"I'm going over for a business trip." The lady told me.

"Did I ask?" I said in my head, silently judging.
"Cool." I said out loud.

"I'm Jamie." She said, holding out her hand. I shook it and said,


"That's a nice name. Ever been to Sydney?" She asked.

"What?" I responded, intentionally rudely.

"You know, Sydney, In Australia."

"Uh, no." I responded. Where did she think this conversation was going? I picked up a flight magazine from the holder on the chair in front of me and began flipping through pages. Jamie began rambling on about some other travel crap when a voice came on over the loudspeaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts and get ready for takeoff"

I closed my eyes as I felt the plane lift off.

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