twenty two

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I heard rustling coming from inside the dumpster. Immediately, I stood up. My heart was pounding, I could only hope it was River.

Hands emerged from the piles of junk, I grabbed onto them and pulled the person out, only to find that it was Joaquin.

"Joaquin? What're you doing in there?" I asked, confused. I helped him out of the dumpster and onto his feet. I was slightly annoyed, I didn't plan on seeing him any time soon, after the way he yelled at River.

"I...I don't know." He sighed. This didn't seem right, something was going on. Why would Joaquin, of all people, just somehow end up unknowingly inside of a dumpster in a deserted alley?

"You sure about that?" I said snakily. I didn't want to play any of his games.

"Positive." He replied instantly, brushing off the last of the rubbish from his legs.

I stood back and crossed my arms.

"Would you happen to know anything about the disappearance of River?"

He looked confused.

"Disappearance of River?" He asked, screwing his nose up.

"He was with me last night, I woke up and he was gone!" I accidentally shouted.

"You sure he just didn't run away from you?" He smirked.

I scoffed. I couldn't believe I was actually once close friends with this jerk.

"Where did you two end up crashing last night anyway?" He asked, inspecting his nails.

"In the park!" I shouted, this time intentionally.

Joaquin went slightly pale and gulped. He shook his head before mentioning,

"At least it didn't cost you anything, right?"

I scoffed again.

"You're a selfish jerk, you know that?" I yelled. He took a step back, looking sort of offended.

"And you don't even seem to care that your only brother is missing!" I added, before storming off. I heard him curse under his breath, but by the time I looked back, he was gone.

I collapsed beside a tree, weeping softly. Where could he be? I couldn't lose him, not again. I'd already sacrificed everything to be with him. I'd abandoned my old life and moved here, only to be rejected by everyone else here.

Everyone in California, even my old friends, seemed to hate me. Whenever I would walk down the street, or ask anyone something, they would look me up and down in disgust before walking off. I couldn't understand, it was all madness.

Now I'd lost River as well. I was literally alone, lost. I was by myself and I had no one. I didn't know what to do.

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