twenty five

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"What do you mean we're 'in Toronto'?" I asked, my head burning.

River shrugged. He looked sympathetic.

"They wouldn't accept you in California. I had to rush you back here, because all your medical records and stuff are here."

I started breathing faster than I was before.

"Where did you get the money?" I asked, my eyes widening.

He shrugged again and opened his mouth, before realising he had hair stuck in it. His cheeks turned bright red as he awkwardly pulled it out. He shyly tilted his head down, his beautiful hair falling over his eyes. I giggled.

"I... uh," He struggled. It seemed as if he didn't want me to know.

"You can tell me, it's okay." I assured him. I was confused, what would he hide from me?

"I stole it." He muttered very quickly under his breath, I was almost unable to understand it.

"You what?!" I shrieked.

River sighed, he looked up at me apologetically and bit his lip nervously.

"Stole it." He said softly. I was speechless. This didn't sound like something River would do. He would never steal.

"Wha-" I started, before being cut off by River.

"I didn't exactly 'steal' it." He said. I sat up and put my hands on my hips.

"What do you mean." I panted. I was struggling to catch my breath for some reason.

"Maybe we should go some place else." He suggested. I nodded and he took my hand and helped me up. He gave me a quick kiss on the head and lead me out the door of the doctors office. I crinkled my nose up, now was not the time to be sucking up to me.

He took me to a park, not far from where I used to live. He sat down and pulled me on to him, forcing me to sit on his lap.

I was confused and slightly frustrated, but I couldn't be mad at him. After all, he was doing this all for me.

"Tell me everything." I said patiently. He began explaining.

"Well, about 3 days after we arrived in California you started to act funnily,"

"Like what?" I asked.

"You'd go on and on about Joaquin, and Kate, and stuff. You couldn't walk right and worst of all, you'd keep passing out." He explained.

This sounded weird. Why couldn't I remember any of this?

"And as time went on you kept passing out more often and for longer periods of time. I began to worry." He sniffled. My heart hurt, I couldn't believe he was that concerned about me.

"Aw River." I said, gently stroking his hair. He looked at me hopefully.

"So after you passed out one night, I knew you needed help. I couldn't think of anyone to go to so I ran to the hospital with you in my arms. They told me they couldn't help you because they didn't have any records of you. I tried explaining that you have lived here before, but they told me to get lost." He stuttered, streams flowing down his cheeks.

I tried my hardest to hold back tears. He looked so stressed and scared and helpless, and he was only telling the story. I couldn't imagine what it would've been like for him on the night this happened. I held onto his hand and squeezed it. He smiled gratefully.

"I went to Joaquin's, hoping he'd understand." Riv explained.

"And he didn't. He told me to leave. So, I did what had to be done."

I chuckled slightly at his cheekiness.

"I snuck in, when it was later and he was asleep. I found my box where I keep all of my money."

I knew what box he was talking about. For some reason, he liked to keep all of his money with him. He wouldn't put it in a bank, so he kept it in a large cardboard box under his bed.

"And I went to the airport and got on the soonest flight I could. We rushed you over here and took you straight to the hospital. You were unconscious for 2 days." He finished.

I didn't know what to say.

"I knew you were in trouble. The past few days have been really hard, I've never felt more alone." He told me.

"But I'm glad that you're back, and your eyes are as sparkly as ever!" He teased. I grinned and buried my head in his neck. He put his arms around my stomach. I felt in love.

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