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[1 day later]

We'd spent the last day foraging for money. We'd managed gathered just enough to catch a taxi back to River's apartment. Thank God for that, I don't think I could have handled any more walking.

On the flight over to California, River started to gain back some memory. He seemed to be picking things up fast, too. Out of no where be would blurt out something random about himself, or something that happened a long time ago. It was great, so much stress had been lifted off my shoulders. I had been so worried that he was going to get himself into a problem and not be able to get himself out.

"Do you think Joaquin's home?" I asked.

"I think he will be." River replied, hopeful. He knocked a solid knock on his apartment door.

The door swung open to a disgusted looking Joaquin glaring at the both of us.

"Where have you been?" Yelled Joaquin.

River took a step back, shocked by the tone of his voice.

"I... I went to find Sidney." He squeaked.

"You never came back! I was sitting in that car at the airport thinking something had happened to you!" He yelled, this time even louder.

"I'm... sorry." River murmured, bowing his head. I rubbed him on the back.

Joaquin glared at me, scoffing. I swallowed.

"This is your fault." He hissed. I suddenly felt unexplainable guilt. He turned back to River before snorting.

"Get out! I never want to see you again!" Joaquin screamed, slamming the door and making the entire building shake.

River looked pale with shock.

"I thought-" River started, trailing off. His voice was shaky and delicate.

"It's okay." I told him, lifting his chin and looking him in the eyes.

"But I've ruined everything." He stuttered, eyes watering.

"No you haven't. Everything will be fine as long as we've got each other, remember?" I assured him.

Using my thumb, I wiped away his tears.

"But where are we going to go now?" He sniffed.

"We can work that out. Everything's going to be fine." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my face on his neck. He put his hands on my back and his lips on my head, leaving them there.

"But we have no money and no where to stay. We're stranded." He spoke, his voice coming out barely as a whisper.

I looked up at him, still holding him tight. I never wanted to let go. There had never been a time when we needed each other more than now, we were all we had left.

"It'll be okay." I repeated softly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I just wanted to say there forever, in his hold. But I couldn't.

"I think we should leave." I suggested.

"Alright." He croaked, slowly releasing his grip. I took his hand and locked my fingers with his. I knew he needed all the comfort he could get; he was broken.

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