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I woke up the next day feeling refreshed and excited. The wedding was today, after 6 long years I was finally able to see everyone again.

I walked into the bathroom, splashing my face with cold water and then applying some makeup. I put on my favourite dress, a sleeveless sky blue dress that fell down to my knees. I always felt confident and happy when I wore it, it reminded me of...of... actually, never mind.

I curled my hair, pulling it into a high ponytail. I put on some white sandals and grabbed a silver clutch, and headed out the door.

The wedding was being held in a huge, open parkland full of wild flowers and a creek running through it. Jorja and I used to hang out there all the time when we were younger.

I walked onto the dewy green grass, looking around. There were about 200 people there already and the wedding wasn't due to begin for another hour or so. I looked around, I couldn't see anyone that I recognised. There were humongous crowds of people, all chatting away, I decided not to get involved so I headed to the food table.

River's POV:

Our taxi pulled up by the side of a huge park where tons of people were gathered. We got out of the cab, Joaquin handing the driver a 20.

"I bet those leaves are really crunchy." Joaquin said, pointing to a pile of leaves that had fallen underneath a tree. Without hesitation, I ran at the pile and stomped on them. They weren't crunchy at all, I was quite disappointed.

"They're not crunchy!" I yelled out to Joaquin, who was talking to Hunter.

"Fine, I get it!" I called out again, not getting a response.

I began walking across the park, my shoes getting damp from the wet grass. I looked over at the food table, my stomach getting the best of me and forcing me to go over and get something to eat.

As I got closer, I noticed a familiar looking face picking at the cupcakes.

Sidney's POV:

I picked up a cupcake, taking a small bite. I turned around to see a man, about my age walking towards me. I knew his face, I'd seen it before.

I looked down at my cupcake, taking another small bite when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Sidney?" The familiar looking man said. That's when I realised; It was River.

I felt my eyes grow double their size. I had missed him so much, I'd been trying to forget about him because it made me upset to think that I would never find a man as perfect as Riv. River was my boyfriend for years until we left. He was amazing, he was sweet and caring, not to mention devastatingly handsome.

"River?" I asked. He nodded, wrapping his arms around me. I'd completely forgotten how comforting his hugs were. I felt my eyes tearing up.

"I missed you so much." I sobbed into his chest.

"Not nearly a much as I've missed you." He replied, running his soft hands through my hair. He slowly released his grip, our hug breaking away.

"You look amazing!" I exclaimed. He smiled and said,

"You look gorgeous, as usual ." His compliments always made my heart swell with joy.

"I'm surprised you recognised me," I said. He tilted his head down, staring at his grass-covered shoes.
He looked back up a moment later, staring me directly in the eyes.

"It's your eyes," He said, taking my hands in his.
"They sparkle like diamonds."

I felt butterflies growing in my stomach. He always had a habit of mentioning that my eyes sparkle like diamonds, even when they seemed grey.

"You know that's my favourite colour on you." He said, grinning uncontrollably.

"I totally forgot!" I giggled.

"I honestly missed you so much, Sidney. These past 6 years have been so miserable without you." River said, with a serious look on his face.

"You think Canada's been any good without you?" I said smiling.

"Let's go beautiful." He said, releasing one of my hands but gripping firmly into the other, dragging me towards the chairs that had been set up for the ceremony.

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