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"River, wake up!" I said as I gently shook him from his slumbers. His eyes blinked open. He looked at me, sitting up quickly and brushing my hands off of his shoulders.

"Wh..who are you?" He asked. He pushed himself backwards and hugged his knees.

"I'm Sidney. Your girlfriend." I said, confused.

"Nuh uh. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't know you. Get out of my house!" He replied, shaking his head violently.

"But River, you're in my house." I told him, brushing my hand on his cheek.

"What's River? And get off me!" He yelled, jumping backwards, causing the couch to tip over. He fell backwards, hitting his head again.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pulling him back up.

"Get away from me! I don't know you! I never want to see you again!" He yelled again, breaking his wrist away and running out the front door.

"River!" I called, chasing after him. The paramedics had warned me of this. They said that a concussion might start to kick in a few hours after the injuries had occurred. This was worse than I had expected. River didn't remember who I was, or even what house he was in. Now he was alone somewhere and I had to go find him.

I sprinted out the door, running after him.

"River!" I yelled. I could just make out his skinny figure in the distance.   He ran around a corner, and I ran after him. When I turned the corner, he was no where in sight.

"River? Where are you?" I called out nervously. I desperately searched every shop on the street, asking everyone if they'd seen a tall, skinny boy with long blond hair.

I was up to the last shop in the street. If he wasn't in there, I didn't know what to do. All that time waste searching for him in the street would have given him enough time to get too far away.

Breathlessly, I pushed open the glass door, a bell ringing. I looked around, the only person in the shop was an old man. As I approached him to ask if he'd seen Riv, I realised it was him.

"River!" I said happily. He turned around, scoffing.

"No madam I ain't be this River you speak of. I be Presley L Swenley, queen of Slovenia!" He said in a ridiculous mixture of accents. He was wearing a supposedly stolen fedora and had a fake moustache. I couldn't help but laugh. Was this supposed to be some kind of sick joke?

"C'mon River, it's time to go." I said calmly, pulling on his arm.

"Wait lass, I be waitin' on my daily sausage." He tried convincing me.

"River, you're a vegetarian. You don't eat meat." I laughed at him.

"It's time to go." I ordered him, linking his arm around mine.

"Goodbye, sweet maiden. I'll be missin' ya!" He waved to the young man at the service counter. He crinkled up his nose and shrugged.

"I think we need to get you to the doctors." I giggled.

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