The Worst Day Of My Life

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21st January 2013, the dreaded day of my life.It was all going well but suddenly something just happened in just mere fraction of second and i lost it all.

Everything was just fine i was sitting and reading a book, mom was happily talking to her friend in the next room and soon i started hearing her coughing very badly as i was about to go to check on her she came to me "beta see na why i am coughing and i am having difficulty in breathing" she said coughing. "Mom i think we should go to the doc ASAP" i was damn worried. "No no i am fine,i think i should lie down it will be better" mom was saying. "No you shouldn't lie down just stand here i am calling someone for help" i told her panickingly. Without listening her i called Atiqa's mom "hello mami please come down mom is not well she is behaving strangely" and then i quickly ran to my next door neighbour and called them also.

Soon everyone came the doctor also came and mom was quickly taken to the hospital and i was at home with Atiqa because i couldn't go to the hospital with mom. I couldn't gather courage to atleast go and stand beside my mom..i wasn't able to see her like that.

Atiqa told me to pray nafl namaz and ask help from Allah. He is there with mom. He will help her. I did what i was told but i couldn't consentrate on my namaz because i was so distracted. My only fear was what will happen to mom?? Will she be coming home?? Will she be alright?? Lots of negetive thoughts were running in my mind. Atiqa was attending all the calls.

Soon people from my neighbourhood started making space and when i asked them that why are they doing this they said that everybody will come to see you and mom she is not well na so to make a better sitting arrangement.

After two and half hours i started smelling fishy Atiqa was not sitting properly by my side all my reletives were here they were soothing me but no one was telling me what is actually going on.

Soon, soon one of my reletive broke the ice and she said that "beta mom ni rahi" after that i dont know what happened because blackness surrounded me.

I don't know what time it was when i regain my consciousness because when i opened my eyes my bff were with me and all i could do was to cry. At that time nobody utter a single word there was only tears.

My mom was not only my mom she was my best friend. I used to share each and everything with her. She use to fulfill each and every demand of mine. She never made me feel that i don't have a father because she became my father. She was there in every phase of my life. Her only wish was to see her son-in-law and to hold my baby in her arms. I remember she used to say that my damaad(son in law) will take me to haj one day. She was a very cheerful lady..she used to laugh and speak with everyone.

Aur jald hi Ehsaas hua ki ab sab kuch past ho gaya hai mom is not here everything is now past and now i am alone in this world and there is no one to be called my own.Ye Ehsaas ab hamesha mere saath rahega just as my spirit.

The next morning was more crucial to me. After Asar prayer the burrial was going to take place. When they were taking me so that i can see mom for the last time i can touch her for the last time..and one more time, once again that Ehsaas only made me feel that all this LAST TIME. Now you will never hear her, never see her, never touch her...and this day also my father was not here by my side to comfort me. Soon they took away mom and i was left only with loneliness..and then everything went dark.

Assalamualaikum everyone. So how was the chapter guys? First let me tell you this is somewhat my real story..some of the occassions did took place in my real life also. It was very hard to write this chapter because i really did lost my mom and on this date each and every memories were still fresh in my mind. I hope you guys like this chapter. Please guys do vote and comment. I am waiting to hear from you all.

And if you are not liking my story then please tell me so i will delete it.

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