I Love You

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I didn't thought even for a second also and I smacked him across his face. I had never been this angry in my entire life. If I would have gotten a chance, I would have even murdered somebody right now.

"How dare you? How could you even say this Fawad" I held his collar

He just pushed me back.

"This is the truth, believe it or not!!" He said dryly.

"And on what basis you are saying this?" I asked.

"Come with me" he said and started walking. I followed him, we were mid way only when everyone was coming up.

"We heard shouting coming from your room" Mom said.

"It's good you all are here, after all you all should also know what's your darling daughter in law is up to" he taunted.

"Fawad, she's your wife" Dad said.

"This is what upsets me the most" he shrugged.

"Don't worry, dear. He's just not in his senses!!" Mom rubbed my back.

"You were showing me something" I said.

"Aah.. desperate much!!"

"Yes" I fake smiled

We all went downstairs and he opened his Laptop to show us something.

"What are you doing, Fawad?" Dad asked.

"Just a second" he did something and then turned it towards me.

A clip started playing. In that clip there was a hijabi girl, who typed something in the Laptop and then took out the keys from the drawer. She then opened the locker, took out bundles and bundles of dollars.

Everyone gasped.

"This is not the interesting part, wait for it" he commented.

Just then the siren went off, she hurried but not before turning back and looking in the CCTV camera.

"Seher" Mom whispered and I blinked.

"Do you have anything to say?" He asked.

I kept on staring at the screen. My body had stopped receiving any signal from my mind.
I again felt a little dizzy.

"Dear, please defend yourself. We know that this is not the truth. Just say something" Dad said.

"Yes Seher, you don't have to feel afraid of anyone, we all trust you." Mom said hugging me.

"Bhabhi, please say something" Maha came forward.

"You all are still expecting an explanation from her." He again taunted.

"Seher" Mom said.

"Yes, I did stole the money. Twenty million dollars." I said.

"I told y'all" he said crossing his legs and leaning down on the couch.

"Don't say anything under pressure" Mom said holding my hand.

"No, I'm not. I did stole the money." I repeated.

"I'm calling the cops" he said taking out his cell.

"Fawad" Dad stopped him. "Seher, we all know that you won't do anything like that. No matter how many times you keep on saying that you stole the money. There must have been a valid reason for it." Dad said coming forward.

He scoffed "Yeah right, A valid reason!! Really?? Basically you all are asking the thief to give an explanation rather than sending her to the prison"

"She is our daughter" Mom's voice boomed.

"Daughters don't steal the money!!"

"And by the way why did you need that much money? What was the reason behind it? As long as I remember I never said no to you whenever you asked for money, forget about that I never even asked you where and on what you spent? Then also you did this? Seher, why?" He caught my upper arm.

I didn't have anything to say. I know I shouldn't have stolen the money, I could have easily asked for it. But then would he have given me the money?

"Seher tell me, twenty million dollars isn't a small amount." He shouted.

"Tell us dear" Mom said.

"If you don't wanna say the reason, don't say, but at least you should have talked to us about the money, we wouldn't have denied!!" Dad said.

"I'm sorry, I just needed the money, I know I shouldn't have taken this way but I was scared that if I told you all, you all would have asked thousands and thousands of questions. And, I wasn't ready to answer you all." I replied slowly.

"I don't believe you" He said

"I can't make you believe me. You want to call the police go ahead" I said looking straight in his eyes.

"You're not even ashamed of yourself and on top of that you are even saying what to do" he said.

"So what do you expect from me, Fawad?"

"Now I don't expect anything from you" he said.

"Just Shut up you both!! Do you both even know what will happen if police gets involved in this?" Mom said.

"But we can't let her get away with it this easily"

"She's your wife, Fawad."

"Did she remembered this?"

"Fawad, we need to think about this very calmly. Seher you go upstairs" Dad said.

I turned but I was stopped.

"If she stays here, I'll leave". Maha gasped.

"Fine, I'll leave." I said.

"Seher" Mom said.

"Let her go, Mom. There's no place for thieves in our house" he gave me a crooked smile.

I ran upstairs ignoring all the calls of Mom and Dad. My suitcase was already packed, I just held it and took my phone, purse and went downstairs.

"Seher, no dear. Don't go. We're not doubting you, dear." Mom was crying.

"Mom I know you all can never doubt on me. I love you all." I hugged her. I walked towards Dad and sat down on the floor "I know you trust me and I can assure you that I haven't done anything or will do anything that'll affect the reputation of this house. I'll be back soon." I said.

"I know dear, take care of yourself." He patted my head.

"Take care of yourself Maha and don't trouble Mom much." I hugged her.

"Please don't go Bhabhi"

"Shhhh... I'll come back soon."

Now I was standing face to face with Fawad. There wasn't any emotions present in his eyes but I know that deep down he still Care for me.

"I know you're angry with me, I broke your trust, but I needed that money. I know you would have given me the money if I would have asked you but I just did the opposite. I don't have anything much to say, It's better for me that I leave and this would be best for us too." I said. He didn't said anything.

I hugged him for the last time.

"I Love You, Fawad." I whispered and kissed his cheek.

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