Aqeeqa Party

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Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all.

Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all.

I kept on singing Abaan a lullaby, while laying him down in his cot. After carefully laying him in the cot, I took a deep breath.

"He slept?" Aapu asked in a very low voice.

"Yup" I nodded my head.

She wiped an imaginary sweat on her forehead,to which I laughed.

"Shhhh..." She motioned.

"Aah!! Finally, they are here" Maha said in a bored tone.

"Why you sound so dull?" I asked sitting beside her.

"Because from the last one hour we are waiting for both of you." She pointed at me and Aapu.

"Abaan was crying" Aapu said.

"We could hear that" Maha said leaning down on the sofa.

"Why do you all look so bored?" I again asked looking at Jij, Fawad and Dad. They all could pass out at any moment.

"Leave them, as it is they are of no use!!" Mom said. We three chuckled at her comment, which made the men's straightened up a bit.

"If you think to sit at one place from one hour and doing nothing, only staring at each other is the most interesting thing to do, then I'm happy to say I'm not from this planet!!" Dad said.

"We never grounded you three or took away your cellphones? You three are responsible for your own boredom!!" Mom glared.

"Typical woman" Dad murmured.

"I heard that" Mom replied.

"Can you both calm down and let's discuss about what we're all gathered up here" Aapu said making both of them quiet.

"So, as we all know that day after tomorrow is Abaan's Aqeeqa. What's the plan for it?" Maha said.

"What do you mean by what's the plan? What we are supposed to do we'll do" Fawad said.

"I meant who to call or not? We will do it on a big scale or small one?" Maha said.

"I think it would be better if Aapu and Jij decide this." I spoke

"Yup, Seher is right" Mom said

"I guess, then, we should leave them alone to discuss for a while." Dad said.

"Umm...No Dad. We already have decided." Jij said

"Then why did you kept us waiting? You should have told us before while we were waiting for that munchkin to sleep" Maha groaned.

"Because we wanted to know what you all have in your minds" Aapu smiled.

"We appreciate your thought, but the function will happen according to two of you." I said.

"Now please don't create any suspense just divide the work and tell us what we have to do" Maha was yawning.

Fawad threw a cushion at her, which hitted her right on the face.


"You deserved it."

"Shhhhh, Ahmaz, Son, What do you have in your mind?" Mom asked.

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