Long drive

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Every morning comes with a new beginning. From the last fifteen days, I'm waking up every new morning but with a hope that he'll call me, but today I woke up with a smile because he was coming to take me back with him.

Last night was so beautiful, for the first time we had talked so much. We talked till three in the morning. It was just a normal talk but he kept on saying sorry. I don't know how should I feel about it? This is a big thing for me that we both actually talked to each other without any hesitation.

After praying fajr, I tried to sleep but I couldn't. All I kept on thinking was about going back with him.

"Why are you up so early?" Atiqa asked sleepily, plopping down on the bed.

"Not able to sleep" I said.

"Mmm...sleep sleep, it's still four something in the morning....you've got ample of time to think about him." She said patting down beside her.

She's right....so I went back to the bed and tried my best to sleep. After trying for half an hour to go back to sleep, I finally slept.

But soon my sleep was disturbed by a song "Love Me Like You Do" I woke up immediately and looked around. There's no LCD in Atiqa's room so from where that sound is coming? It can't be coming from outside because the song is coming from inside only.

Does that even make sense??

After looking around properly, I saw my cell was ringing. That song was coming from my cell. As far as I remember, I haven't put that song as my ringtone!! I picked up my cell to see he was calling me.

"Assalamualaikum" I said as soon as I picked up.

"Walekumasalam" he replied

"How are you?"

"Allahamdulilah and you?"

"Allahamdulilah... what are you doing?"


"So early?"

"Early?? I bet your clock has stopped working"

"No no, it's not!!" I said and turned to look at the wall clock and my eyes bulged out. It was one pm.

"Told ya"

"I slept for this long" I sighed

"What? You were sleeping? Are you alright?"

"Yes yes, I am. I was awake after praying fajr, so when I slept back again, I didn't knew that I slept this long" I said rubbing my forehead.

"It's okay...and It's good that you slept properly because I took most of your time last night!!" He said

"It's okay, no problem...I didn't mind at all" I blurted and then I hit my head with my cell. Me and my mouth!!

"It's good to hear, that you didn't mind at all" he said chuckling. "Anyways, I called you to say that be ready by eight, I'll come to pick you up"

"Okay..." I replied then we hang up.

I went outside the room fuming...why? First Atiqa didn't woke me up and Second, She's the one who put that song as my ringtone.

"Aaattiiiqqaaa" I yelled

"What Seher?" She asked innocently.

"What Seher??? Wait..." And I ran after her.

"Muuummmaaa, save me, she's going to murder me" she kept on shouting as she ran from one room to another.

On time, I finished packing everything. I quickly went to the washroom for a dress change. I decided to wear a maxi dress which was royal blue and cream in color. After changing, I came out and did a winged eyeliner, applied mascara and my pink lipgloss.

After checking that I've kept everything or not, I wore my cream colored hijab and my white pumps.

"Masha Allah, you're looking so pretty" Mami said coming in with Atiqa.

"JazakAllah" I smiled

"So, all set?" Atiqa asked. I nodded

"When will you be coming back again?" Mami asked

"In Sha Allah, very soon" I said and hugged her.

"Why aren't you both staying for dinner?" Atiqa pouted.

"Told you na, he has an early meeting tomorrow, that's why he's coming early to pick me up" I said and hugged her

"These guys and their meetings" Atiqa huffed.

"Don't worry, you're the next" I said and she blushed.

"Look look whose blushing" I said and she blushed more making us laugh.

After bidding everyone good bye, he opened the door of the passenger side. After making me sit he got in on the drivers seat.

"Shall we?" He asked

"Yes" I smiled.

After driving for twenty five minutes, I saw turning on the other route.

"Hey, that was not the turn for going home" I said.

"I know that"

"Then why we took that turn?" I asked

"Because we aren't going home"


"We'll be going on a long drive" he smiled

"But you said you have an early meeting tomorrow." I was confused

"Yeah, but I didn't said that I didn't have time to spent with you" he smiled.

"But everyone will be waiting for us at home"

"They already know about this" he smirked

"Ohh..so this was pre planned" I said folding my hands.


I gave him a dirty look to which he laughed.

"So tell me something about you" he asked.


"Who are you? Real you?" He asked.

"Well, I was a mommy's girl. Pampered and a bit spoiled. Though, I personally don't like to be pampered much only a bit will do but that do sometimes not always. I'm a good listener but at the same time very short tempered. I'm an introvert bit do likes to make friends, but never gets free with them apart from my group of friends. I'm shy...and a crying baby who cries on everything.

But this doesn't mean that I'm weak, No, I'm not...mess with me and I'm gonna mess with your life. I like surprises... but not much. I don't want big gifts or anything big, a small thing can also make me smile, like a child's smile. I get angry easily but if I see an aeroplane, all my anger will jump out and I'll keep on smiling like a fool. I know this is stupidity or kiddish to smile by seeing an aeroplane, yeah, but that's me." (A/N that's the real me. And yes seeing an aeroplane can bring a big smile on my face. I know this sound weird, but it does.)

"I don't think it's kiddish, everyone has their own kind. But yeah thanks for telling me, now I will remember" he smiled.

"What about you?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm a very jaded person, I don't like to talk much but when I do, then I'll beat a woman in talking. I like to keep minimum friends. I'm also very short tempered and most of time I take out all my anger on somebody else but this doesn't mean, that they are not close to me, or I hate them. And I know this is a very bad habit of me, bit I'll try to change.

I don't like surprises much and yeah a small thing can also make me smile especially a child's smile. I love kids alot. I hate liers. I don't trust people easily because once I had made a mistake of blindly trusting someone and trust me the outcome was very bad. And yes, the sound of the waves calms me down." He said.

"Wao, I didn't know that someone like you will also be fond of children" I said.

"You don't know many things about me....wait, was that an insult ??" He asked and I laughed.

And the questions continued. It feels good to finally know him.

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