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Fawad POV
I woke up for my fajr prayer. Did my wudu and was about to go to mosque for pray when I heard a voice "wait...if you don't mind then today can you please lead the pray??" She asked very sweetly..hope was evident on her face. I couldn't say no to her.

"Okay...be fast" I told her. She quickly went to the washroom and rushed out back. I mentally chuckled at how she hurriedly came back.

I led the prayer she was behind me. I had always dreamt this with HER but I guess it was this way only. After praying we both recited Quran I guess it was also her habit.

After reading I went to get some more sleep as I couldn't get any sleep from last two days. When I woke up I saw my suit was neatly ironed, shoes were polished and neatly kept aside. Woah!! I guess Maha has finally got some sense.

"Assalamualikum..you have woken up. Mom said that you like tea in your bed only. So I brought this." She handed me the tray. I kept it aside and went to the washroom to get freshen up.

What is wrong with this girl?? Can't she see that I don't want to talk with her or need her any help?? Why is she forcing herself on me. I quickly took shower. And changed into that suit which Maha has ironed and kept. I smiled at this. She has grown up.

As I stepped out she was cleaning the bed. She was looking pretty in her red dress. Bangles dangling away. She is pretty. "Arey you're ready...achaa listen I didn't knew what is your favourite colour or which suit you usually wear so I ironed this of my choice and polished the shoes too.. I hope you liked it."

All my happiness flew away. She had done all this. Why?? I don't need her in my life. These all things are just getting on my nerves now.

"Breakfast is ready everyone is waiting for you downstairs" She said. Uff!! Why is she saying everything as if I don't know about it. Its my daily routine. And ontop of that she quickly gave me my handkerchief, laptop bag. I couldn't take this anymore.

"Listen Seher for the first and last time I'm warning you. Stay out of my way and my life." I told her angrily. Shocked was evident on her face.

"Okay fine...if you don't want me you could have atleast shown some decency instead of shouting. I'm not just anyone who'll hear your shouting. Now I give you a warning dare you speak a word more or act like a happy husband I'll tell everyone that all this is a fake" she said. She was shaking with anger. And one or two tears also came but she just wiped it away.

"I was happy alone, you people wanted me to marry. It wasn't my wish.. like you're behaving." She was now crying.

Without saying anything I turned and went. I skipped breakfast and just zoomed out of the garage. My mood was damn spoilt... I was very angry. I went to my office and just banged my fist on the table. How dare she?? Who the hell is she that she can talk to me in this way..I was so damn angry that I just threw my vase away. I have never been so damn angry. She a girl has the audacity to warn me!!!

After I finished my Maghrib prayer. I realised that what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have spoken to her in this way. Why have I taken out HER anger on Seher. She was just doing her duties and was trying to make a conversation. Damn me!!! I knew she was alone but I made her realise...I knew how much she misses her mum..on the wedding day only I saw it clearly in her eyes. I should appologise. Yes I will appologise.

With this thought I went back to home.

Seher POV

I woke up for fajr and I saw he was going to mosque for pray but I wanted him to lead me the first pray. This I have always wished for my future husband. So with lots of guts I asked him. "Wait...if you don't mind then today can you please lead the pray??" I asked him sweetly.

"Okay...be fast" He told me. I was so happy that I was dancing mentally!!! I quickly went to the washroom and rushed out back. I was even shocked at myself that how fast I came out.

After praying we both recited Quran I guess it was also his habit. I smiled. But after reading Quran he went to sleep and I tried to sleep but couldn't. So I decided to iron his suits and polish his shoes and socks everything ready. Mum always use to tell me that its a wife duty to do all these things of husband. That time I never use to like it. But today I'm doing the same thing without any complaint. I smiled at myself.

After making sure that all his things are in the right place I went down. "Assalamualikum" I told mum.

"Walekumasalam beta...you need anything?? Why you came down?? Whatt you need tell me??" Mom was worried.

I laughed "nothing mom I don't need anything its just that I wasn't able to sleep after Fajr so I came down" I told her. She was relieved by my saying.

"Okay..come sit." She patted her hand beside her. I sat beside her. And then we started talking. It actually felt good. It was eight o' clock. Mom said that it was time He will wake up. She also said that he likes tea in his bed only but always did breakfast with all of us only.

I quickly made tea and took in my bedroom. He had just woke up. "Assalamualikum..you have woken up. Mom said that you like tea in your bed only. So I brought this." I handed him the tray. He kept aside and went to the washroom. He never said anything. I quickly started cleaning the bed while he was in the shower.

As I turned I saw him standing near the gate of the washroom. He had wore that suit only which I had ironed it."Arey you're ready...achaa listen I didn't knew what is your favourite colour or which suit you usually wear so I ironed this of my choice and polished the shoes too.. I hope you liked it." I told him. "Breakfast is ready everyone is waiting for you downstairs" I told him this also. I know he know his daily routine but still I reminded him.

"Listen Seher for the first and last time I'm warning you. Stay out of my way and my life." He told me angrily. Shocked was evident on my face. Now my anger at its peak. I know what I'll be saying must be disrespectful but I couldn't control and I just blurted out.

"Okay fine...if you don't want me you could have atleast shown some decency instead of shouting. I'm not just anyone who'll hear your shouting. Now I give you a warning dare you speak a word more or act like a happy husband I'll tell everyone that all this is a fake" I said. I was shaking with anger. And one or two tears also came out but I just wiped it away. No need to show my tear to that boy who don't even know how to talk with a girl.

"I was happy alone, you people wanted me to marry. It wasn't my wish.. like you're behaving." I was now crying. I couldn't stop my tears this time. His words hurted me. Hurted me alot infact.
Without saying anything he just went away. I know he had skipped his breakfast.

Whole day I did nothing. Aapy and Maha came and we chatted. But my mind was on him only. He had eaten or not. After I prayed my Maghrib prayer I realised that I shouldn't have shouted at him after all he is my husband now. My mom had always told me that whenever your husband shouts at you or is angry never back chat him just wait and as soon as his anger calms down then tell him or ask him why he behaved like that? But never raise your voice.

I asked for Allah's forgiveness and decided that I'll appologise to him when he comes back. With this thought in my mind I folded my prayer mat.

Ehsaas its a beautiful thing. They both realises their mistakes at the same time and decided to appologise. May this Ehsaas always binds them together In Sha Allah.

Assalamualikum everyone. How are you all my lovely readers. Hope you all like this chapter. What will happen when they both will appologise?? Or if they don't appologise?? Will this one step will take a new turn in their life or it will be the same. Stay tuned till next update. You'll find your answers.

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