Gold digger

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"Hahahahahahahaha....he looks so funny, hahahahahaha" Maha was laughing loudly.

"What rubbish!! Masha Allah he's looking so handsome" Mom said lovingly. We both again started laughing at Mom's comment.

"You both have gone mad!!" She glared.

"Mom we have gone mad? Just look at him once properly" Maha said in between her laugh.

"I am looking at him only, I can't see anything funny" she replied.

"He's wearing a pink frock with pink hairband and you don't find anything funny in this?" Maha was shocked.

Actually we were talking to Aapu through video call. She had dressed Abaan as a girl, and we couldn't stop laughing seeing at him.

"Mom if he sees him like this, he's gonna ground me from doing baby shopping" Aapu said laughing.

"I want a pic of him" Maha said taking out her cell.

"I'm gonna WhatsApp you" Aapu said

"But I don't understand why you made him wear this dress?" Mom asked.

"You know how much I love baby girl dresses and Allahamdulilah I'm blessed with a baby boy, so I just experemented with his looks" Aapu said and we burst out laughing. Mom was busy glaring at Aapu.

"Abaan is in love with his pink frock!!" Maha giggled.

"Seher, done with your packing?" Aapu asked.

"Yassss" I said excitedly.

"Look, look, someone is so happy to leave us and go!!" Maha indirectly commented giving me side glance.

"And may I know what is this new attitude all about?" I asked her lightly catching her ear, to which she shreiked. Mom and Aapu started laughing.

"Astagfirullah! Bhabhi, attitude and me? We're poles apart...and I'lll rather prefer dying than to show Attitude" She said hugging me.

"She's such a drama queen" Aapu commented to which Maha scoffed.

"Right!!" I said and laughed.

"Yeah fine, if I'm the drama queen then you both are my script writer!!" Maha angryly said making us again laugh.

"What is it with you both????" Maha said surprisingly.

"Forget about all this, Mariam how are you?" Mom asked.

"I'm good and Abaan is also good and his dad is also good" Aapy said laughing.

"You all have gone crazy it's better that you three chat, I have some work in Kitchen." Mom said getting up.

"So when will be Fawad back?" Aapu asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Around eight. It's six now." I said looking at the watch.

"Aapu tell babhi na to come back fast, what am I gonna do alone here?" Maha huffed.

"That is why I'm telling her to come with me" I said

"Mom will be alone, here" Maha replied

"You know Maha, the best option for you is to sulk. So happy sulking!!" Aapu said laughing.

"You are se mean!!" She dragged a bit.

"Learned from you!"

"Don't put the blame on me"

"Okaayy fine, stop fighting." I said

"We'll talk later, have to prepare dinner." Aapu said.

"Byeeee" we said and hung up. Maha yawned. "I'm so tired" she said stretching herself. I smacked her with a pillow. She growled or I guess her stomach growled, again making us laugh.

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