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Fawad POV

"Oh my God!keep the sweets in tha car dear..what are you people doing..hfpft!!" Mom was going on and on...earning a chuckle from all of us!!

"Haan...you guys can do this only?there's so much work left to do but you people are only sitting here and laughing away..useless creatures" she glared on our way. We burst out laughing!!!!

"Thank you Faddy for all of this I totally appreciate you..it means alot.. Really!!" Aapu spoke as she hugged me. I gave her my best smile.

Yesterday night I did my istikhara and it was a yes sign. So in the morning I told my oarents my answer they were beyond happy. I have made myself that no matter what happen i'll be happy and will make them happy. If their happiness is in this then for them i am ready to do this also.

Ladies were going to the girl's house and we gents were supposed to meet at the masjid after isha prayer.

"Assalamualaikum everyone..we are leaving..dress well you guys and keep smiling" mum pointed to our direction.

Seher POV

Aatiqa helped me in getting ready and did my hair. I was so damn nervous that for once also i've not looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a red colour churidar suit with matching accessories. No gents will be here in the house thats why i wasnt wearing my hijab today. My make up was very minimal. Peach blush, black and red eyeliner, kajal and pale red lipstick. I was ready.

Today in the morning they called mami and told her that they are coming in the evening for the final things to decide for the wedding and gents have decided to meet at the masjid after isha prayers.

To say i was missing mum would be an understatement i was missing her a lot!! We both had decided that we will do this and that,how and what we will wear,who to call and not to call...many many things we decided but nothing was going to come true because she herself is not here. I know she can see me but the worst part is i cannot see her. Allah this hurts!!

All my friends are here and my reletives too..the house was packed with people. We were currently sitting in the corner room my friends distracting my negetive thoughts away.

"Seher...they are here. Come lets go" Aatiqa came from outside and told us.

"Assalamualaikum" I spoke slowly as I sat down in the middle of the hall on a sofa.
They all replied to my salaam.

"Oho..let me see my bhabhi..Masha Allah nazar na lage aapko..maine jesa socha tha aap waise hi ho. Btw i am Maha..the youngest in our family." She said cheerfully. In an instant I liked her. She was very feiendly.

After talking and laughing Maha's mom came up to me and blessed by raising her hand on my head and making me wear a very beautiful and at the same time very elegant diamond ring. "Aaj se ye hamari huyi...bahu jaldi ghar aana." She spoke as she she kissed my forehead. And with that i couldn't stop my tears and let them flew freely.

In our house  we doesn't believe in engagement or the ring exchanging ceremony. We give anything to the would be bride like money, ring or whatever its upto their wish and this is how we get engaged and that day we decide the wedding date.

Soon it was 9:00pm we arranged the dastarkhwaan for the dinner. We all talk and laughed as we ate our dinner. Maryam Aapy and Maha with my own friends never left a single moment also to stop teasing me and it was becoming embarassing for me.

After dinner as we served our desert mamu called mami and told her that the date has been fixed and it is 7th June 2014 In Sha Allah. Mami told the news to everyone and one by one they started congratulating me and giving me blessings. My friends group hugged me and that to a very packed one.

My friends and Maryam Aapy and Maha soon decided talking on what to wear or not... Shopping and what not. Wallah! I wasn't even interested in this thing.

After some more time they all left. I was staying in Aatiqas' house only. I quickly took a shower and wiped all my make up away and started praying my isha prayer.

I thanked Allah that everything went so smoothly. I thanked Allah that he is going to bless me with such a beautiful thing. I asked for his guidance and to bless me and to make me strong so that i can keep up with my wife duties.

After isha prayer i was standing near the window and was thinking that soon i'll no longer be single. I'll be someone else's wife. I hope i can be up to the mark.

As i lyed down on bed fir se Ehsaas hua that on that special day my mom wont be there with me to bless me, hug me, and to make me ready. With tears flowing down my cheek I spend the night away.

Assalamualaikum everyone I am so sorry that I couldn't update for such a long time. I was stuck with something but now I am back to my track. I hope you all like this chapter and I know its a short chapter but it is full of emotions. I just cant put anything to make it long. Votes and comments or suggestions are most welcome.

Guys I have started writing a new book its called "HIS WIFE OR HIS MAID??" I've already updated 2 chapters. Read that book also.

Promote and share my books guys. Meet you all soon.

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