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Fawad's POV

I stretched and yawned as I rubbed my eyes to see everything clearly. I groaned as I got up, there should have been four Saturdays in a week.

"What happened?" Seher asked

"Don't want to go to the office" I groaned

"Seriously early in the morning?" She asked

"How would you know the pain of a businessman?" I rolled my eyes

"Then who asked you to choose the profession? No one forced you!!"

"Fine, I loose and you win" I surrendered myself. You can never win an argument with a woman.

"That's better!!" She laughed. I just gave her my best glare to which she just sticked out her tongue and ran away making me smile.

I reluctantly got up and dragged myself to the washroom. As it is I was sleep deprived so I opted for a cold shower. After freshening up, I walked out of the washroom and my clothes were already laid on my bed. She never misses a chance to make me smile.

After I finished getting ready, I was brushing my hair when my cell buzzed. It was my manager.

"Good Morning, Sir" he greeted me.


"Sir, we have got all the details with the proofs" he said.

"I want the name of that person" I replied

"We have the name too...but I don't think you'll like it." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows "That's my decision".

"Ofcourse Sir"

"I'll be there soon"

"Okay Sir".

I was walking down the stairs when I heard laughter, shouting, crying...how can everyone be so active early in the morning, I thought.

"Come Son, what are you thinking?" Uncle said.

"How can you all be so full of energy early in the morning?" I asked sitting down on the dining table.

"I think you should go outside and have a look, the sun is already on top of our head!!" Mom said.

"What?? It's not even afternoon, yet!!" Maha complained.

"Why aren't you in the college?" I asked.

"Didn't wanted to go!!" She said in a bored tone.

"Fine then, I'll cut your name off from the college." I said.

"You are so mean!!"

"Thank you. Now get ready and leave!!" I said.

"You cannot talk to me like that" she said.

"Now, I've to learn from you, how should I talk?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Exactly, I'm your sister and not your employee, you can't boss around at home!!" She replied back.

"Who gave you the permission to backchat?" I asked.

"Your attitude, bhayyu!" She said tears pooling in her eyes. I closed my eyes and mentally cursed myself. Don't know what happened to me, how can I speak like this to her. Before I could say anything, Seher was standing right beside her, flaring her nose.

I'm so dead!!

"I-I didn't meant to--" I was cut off

"Yes Fawad, what did you mean?" Seher asked raising her eyebrows. Told ya, I'm dead.

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