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This awesome new cover has been made by Kumud03. Thank you so much dear.

It has been forty minutes and he has not returned from the parking. I've called him many times but no response. I kept on glancing at my watch and then at the main entrance, I'm sounding stupid by doing this....but this is what I kept on doing.

"I think, I should go outside and look for him by myself only" I said to myself and walked towards the exit side of the mall. Just then somebody tapped my shoulder from the back. I turned and found him behind me.

"Finally you are here, I thought you have cancelled the plan for shopping and have already gone home!!" I joked.

"Where were you going?" He asked in a serious tone.

"I was going out to look for you" I said

He didn't said anything just started walking towards the shops. We want inside a couple of shops but I didn't found anything worth to buy so we just roamed. While we were walking, I noticed one thing that he was dead silent.

"Fawad?" I called him


"Let's drink coffee?" I asked

"Finished buying?" He asked and I looked at him for a good minute. We both were walking together and he was there with me all the time but still he's asking me this question?

Something's definitely wrong!!

"No, I didn't found something good enough to buy. I'll come some other day with Maha" I said.

"Okay... there's a cafe nearby, let's go over there" he said.

"Okay" I said

After driving for fifteen minutes, we reached the cafe.

"What will you have?" He asked.

"A regular vanilla flavored cappuccino" I said

"Anything else?"


"You go and sit, I'll go and give the order" he said and walked away.

Lucky me that I found a place near the window from where I could clearly see the roads, cars passing by. He came back and sat down on the opposite side of me.

"Everything's fine?" I asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"You seem a bit lost. I guess disturbed will be the right word to say."

"Work related" he plainly said.

"I told you that we can go for shopping some other day, why didn't you listened?"

"It's okay... it's not that serious also" he said and started going through his cell, clearly meaning that he is not interested in talking to me. He was very much fine when we reached the mall then what happened suddenly that made his mood changed totally?

Might be his office work like he said!!

I didn't bothered to ponder much upon this. After few minutes, our drinks was served. He quietly sipped away his drink without saying anything.

My cell started ringing. It was Mariam Aapu's call.

"Assalamualaikum" I said

"Walekumasalam" she replied

"How are you?"

"Allahamdulilah and you?"

"Allahamdulilah. Where are you these days?"

"I should be asking this question to you" she said.

"We just came out."

"So how long should I wait for you both?"

"O.M.G. you're here?" I was shocked.


"We're coming in twenty minutes." I quickly said.

"Calm down, Calm down, no need to rush. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Take your time." She said.

"Don't worry as it is we were on our way back" I said

"Okay, then, come soon"



"Aapu called??" He asked

"Yeah... she's at home" I said excitedly.

"Okay" was his reply.

After finishing our drinks in utter silence, we got up to leave. I could easily make out that something was bothering him. He seemed to having an inner battle with him. I really wish that whatever was bothering him, gets solve fast.



"You know na we can share everything with each other?"


"What is bothering you? Why are you so distracted?"

"Nothing, just a headache!!" He said without even looking at me.

Drive back to home was very much silent and in no time we reached home.

"Seeehhheerrr" came an ear piercing scream and choking the life out of me hug from Mariam Aapu.

"Aapuuuuu" I hugged her with equal force.

"I misssssedd youuu soooo much"

"Fadddyy, I missed you too" she said hugging him.

"Wao, you look so big" he commented

"Shut up" she said hitting his shoulder.

"You guys carry on, I'm going to my room" he said and went up. I just kept staring at his back.

"What's wrong with him?" Maha asked.

"Headache" I said. But I didn't missed the look that Mom, Maha and Aapu gave each other. I brushed it off!!

After dinner we all were sitting and chatting except Aapu and him. He didn't had his dinner also. I told mom that I'm tired and I'm going in my room.

I quietly went up to my room and I saw Aapu and him having a serious conversation.

"Everything's fine?" I said.

They both looked at me shocked.

"Yeah, all fine" Aapu said. "Just a brother, sister catch up!!". I smiled.

"It's too late now, you both should sleep. We'll talk tomorrow In Share Allah" Aapu said going out of our room.

"How's your headache now?" I asked.

"Bit better. I'm going to sleep. Good Night." He said and switched off the lights.

Wao, now something is definitely being hidden from me.

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