Chapter 1

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Alarm started going off for like the third time. I really don't want to go to school it's not like I'm going to go to this school tomorrow. I finally decide to get up and head to the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror. Bed hair all over the place I brush it out and put an oversize sweater and black jeans. Sorry really didn't have many clothes to choose from my parents work together and got a bigger internship so they decided to move to another city. I do my signature eyeliner and go grab my stuff. I get bullied for my looks and get put down for it. My wardrobe consist in dark, gloomy colors. Im a mess but I know I shouldn't care what others think. At my new school I will change and stop being the shy and timid girl everyone knows me for. Its a new start to make myself feel more confident.

"Iris you're going to be late!" Mom yelled.

 I ran down the stairs to find both in the kitchen. Rare site since Im usually by myself every morning. Mom and Dad travel a lot and it's like I have never existed. I grab an apple and take a bite out of it before heading out.
Have I already said how much I dread going to school. The only person I care about is Jade, my best friend since freshman year. She's a little quirky too but amazing personality. Now I have to leave her alone to fight her own battles. She always defends herself even if its just a comeback nothing I could ever do.I'm going to miss her a lot.

It was only in third period and I can already feel things thrown at me from behind me

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It was only in third period and I can already feel things thrown at me from behind me. It must be those stupid jocks or cheerleaders. I just ignore them because I'm hopefully not going to see them in the future and if I do see them they will never recognize me. I l walked out as soon as the bell rings and get named called in the hallways.

"Emo skank! Who's funeral are you headed to today?" Someone calls out from down the hall. 

I ignore it again and keep walking. The bell rings for lunch and I find Jade leaning against my locker. I wave at her and she nods back at me while moving aside. I open it and get all my books out so I can turn them in. Jade helps me carry some books to return to the library. I really don't understand why we need all these have they not learn of electronics yet. Lost in my train of thoughts this jock pushed me losing my balance and onto this popular girl. Then the girl screeched and  pushed me to the ground. They all start laughing and walked away. Jade shook her head and helped me up.

"Watch were you going fucking prick!" Jade yells at him.

As we walk to the library she starts a conversation. I was wondering when she was gonna start talking the silence was killing me. 

"..So are you excited!" She says a little nervous to ask. 

"Yes and no, I'm excited for moving out of this hell hole but I'm going to miss my best friend," I tell her with a slight push and smile. 

We put the books on the librarian's desk and she checked them all in.

Jade and I thought of skipping the rest of the day of school so we could hang out for our last day together since it will be a long time until we see each other again.

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