Chapter 14

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After Austin drop me off I ran straight to my room. My head was throbbing from all this thinking. I couldn't tell anyone about this and I had to make sure Dean wouldn't say anything.

*Next Day*

I woke up with someone touching my hair. I jumped at first until I notice it was Austin.

"It's too early." I whine.

"I know baby girl but we got school." he says softly still petting my hair.

"How'd you get in my house?" I ask.

"Well The same way I brought your dress yesterday." He says.

"Are my parents not here?" I question again. He just shook his head.

I start laughing which made him stop.

"What?" He says.

"Since when do you care about school." I say sorta mono-tone.

Then we both start laughing. I get up and head to the restroom. I didn't make Austin get out of my room. I showered and changed. Once I headed out the shower I couldn't find Austin but then I heard the piano playing and new exactly where he was. I go to the music room and Austin was playing Ma Cherie from Palaye Royale. I started singing with him when it was Kellin Quinn's turn to sing. When we finished the song I did tear up. Just the thought of not being with him started drowning me.

I wipe them quick and said, "We should get going or we are going to be late."

I pulled his arm to our parking lot.

"You nearly pop my socket out of place." Austin says laughing.

I rolled my eyes and got in his car and we headed to school.

Once we got to school he wrapped his arms around my shoulder. Making me feel protected. Once we walk in to school I spot Dean. I grab my books and headed to class. It's kinda hard for me to get Austin off my back for awhile since he is a jealous type and really hates Dean. I sat next to Jewels and handed her note.

Make sure Austin doesn't follow me. - Iris

After 15 minutes I ask the teacher if I could go to the restroom. He gave me a pass and I headed to Dean's classroom.

Since the class door was already open I waited until Dean caught my eye. I waved for him to come over here. He got up and came to me. He leaned on the door frame and gave me a big smirk.

"What's up wifey?" he asks.

I cringed when he called me that.

"You can't tell anyone about us or I will hang your balls on my Christmas tree this year." I said angrily.

He didn't say anything just nodded his head and went back to class.

I was walking back to class when I see Austin also in the hallway.

"What are you doing kitten?" He asks.

"Um.. nothing just don't want to be in class." I lied for the third time now.

" Okay but we have to stay in class baby." he says.

I groaned and we headed back to class. He literally couldn't be without me for 10 minutes.

*After school*

I was talking with Jewels and walking the hallways. Since I didn't bring my car and Austin had to stay after for more community service. Jewels had theatre practice and I just decided to join her. I have like no extra curricular for school. As Jewels was a director for this play I just sat in the last row of the auditorium and play on my phone.

I was so bored so I decide to go back and wonder the hallways. I had seen Dean with a different girl. I never seen her before but come on I've only been here for a few months. In ten minutes the stupid student council meeting will be over. I stand on the side of the door and I catch Austin drooling on the desk. He was past out and it was sorta cute. The bell to dismiss them rang and all of them stood and ran out the door except Austin. He was still asleep. I walk into the room and shook him to wake him up. He groan still not getting up. You want me to drive you home. He nodded and then gave me kiss. I kissed him back but he started smirking in the kiss and sat me on his lap. I playfully slap him and he chuckles knowing I know his dirty mind.
"We are not doing it in school." I tell him.

He picks me up and runs with me down the halls. We finally get out the building and he puts me down.

"What are we going to eat kitten?" he asks me while walking to the car.

"Chinese!!" I yell at him.

He laughs and we run to his car. I beat him to his side.

I extended my hand and say, " I drive you pay."

He groans obnoxiously and hands over his keys. This is the first time I drive his car.

I drove over to the closest Chinese food area. We get out of his car and go inside.

"What would you like baby? I know the fortune cookies are free." Austin says.

"Well in that case I will take the most expensive thing." I say shooting a glare at him.

He pouts and apologized. I kissed him because I felt bad. Our food finally comes to our table and I eat pretty fast since Austin left me a school with no car. He smiles and eats as well. After we were done I split the check with him since Austin only had twenty bucks on him.

He drove me to my house this time and we went up to my room. I wanted to stay with him forever but knew he had to go home before my parents found him here with me. After being in my bed for an hour or so we went to our music room. We started playing together and it was perfect. Our voices harmonize and it gave me butterflies.

I turned my phone on to see the time and my parents were going be home in ten minutes. I needed to get Austin out but I don't want to be rude.

"Austin, my parents are going to be home soon." I tell him.

"So they always know I'm here." he says.

" Yeah I know but this morning they told me they didn't want anyone over." I say back.

He doesn't fight it off and just stands up. He gives me his arms to help me up. He kisses me passionately and I walk him to the door. I kiss him and hug him one last time before he leave. He is so gullible now it's super weird. He's the one head over heels for me.

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