Chapter 13

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*Saturday Morning*

I get up smiling at what happened yesterday. I get up put some music on. I had to get ready since Austin decide to take me on a date today. I first headed downstairs to get some breakfast. My parents were both on their phones so I just helped myself. I waited until they both got off.

"So who was that?" I asked.

" Some workers need me to go to France next weekend but I have to meet up with Mary and Frank that weekend." My dad says with one breath.

" Why are you guys having so many meetings." I ask again.

"It's a suprise." my mother tells me.

I kept eating my breakfast until they were both gone. I wish they were here more often but they get pretty annoying. I go sit on my couch with some snacks and watch some supernatural. I watched too many episodes that I fall asleep. Soon my phone alarm went off telling me I have two hours until Austin comes and gets me. I knew if I didn't put that alarm I was going to be rushing. I turned off the TV and ran to my bathroom. After I got out there was a cute outfit laying across my bed. There was a note too.

Hope you like it Kitten

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Hope you like it Kitten. See you in a few hours.

I smile to my self and started getting ready. This was actually going to be my first date so I'm a little nervous. I put some music on to keep me calm.

In a few minutes Austin was going to be here. I was on skype with Jade so she can give me some tips but we both don't have much of knowledge of dating. After what felt like a long time I got lost on watching  the time. The doorbell was ringing nonstop. I check my self one last time and headed downstairs. I open the door and find a pretty handsome Austin at the door.

"You know one ring is enough." I tell him.
"Yea but I wanted to annoy you." he said with a cheeky smile.

We got in his car and we started driving. I had never been so comftorable with anyone except him. I don't even sing in front of my best friend. He brought us to a nice house. He opens the door for me and he escorts me to the house.

"This is where you live?" I ask him.

"Yea I wanted you to finally see my place." he answers.
"Where's your family?" I ask.
"They're visiting my grandparents." He says leading me to his house.
He opens the front door and you see a path of white rose petals and they escort us to the dining room. We had some take out since I know Austin will probably never cook.

After we were done eating he brought me to his backyard and led me to a gazebo. Austin grabbed my waist and we kissed. We sat under the stars in silent for awhile.

"Hey Iris?" Austin says.

"Hey Austin." I said back and giggling.

He chuckles and then says, " I love you kitten."

"I love you too." I tell him back. Giving him with a big grin on his face. 

"I loved you first I just didn't know?" he continues.

"I just don't want this to be wrong."

*Next Day*

So my parents are asking me to join them to their meeting. I look like shit right now and they want me to wear something not black. I Changed and headed downstairs. My Dad had a very nice fitted suit and my mom had this very long silver dress.

We got in my Dad's car and drove off. We came in front of a mansion. My mom was still trying to make herself look better but I think she looks natural better than without all that stuff on her face.

We walk up to the front of the door and are greeted with Dean's family. I'm still sick of him for the prologue that happened at the diner. I just roll my eyes and shake all their hands. They invite us in and then my Dad clears his throat.

"Iris we are here to arrange your wedding with Dean." he says.

I burst out laughing. This has got to be a joke. Was this the "surprise" my mom was talking about.

My parents give me a serious look and made me stop immediately.

"You can't be serious I don't even like him and I have a boyfriend." I tell them.

"Everyone says that all that boy looks for is trouble please you need to stop hanging out with him." my mom says.

" He isn't trouble at all only if you guys knew him like I do." I said getting pissed.

Dean wrapped his arms around me and tried to calm me down. I push him off me.
"You knew about this? Why keep it from me? So you can be with me and not Austin."

About to throw a tantrum but this isn't my house so I stopped. He was about to speak but I beat him to it.

"I changed my opinion sorry." I tell them obviously lying.

We walked into a room with Dean holding my hand. We had to decide when are wedding day is. I told them New Years Eve. I also got to pick the colors of the wedding which were black white and blue. If I was having a wedding it has to be the most outrageous one.
I also said I want it to be in New York City.

After a few hours of planning I look at my phone. I had a few messages from Austin. I grabbed my jacket and snuck out the house.

I texted Austin to come pick me up from Dean's house. He came like in fifteen minutes. I got in and he surprises me with a kiss. I kiss him back with a long hug and I tell him to drive off.

He took us to the first place where we hung out at the spray painting walls.

I kissed him again.

"What was that for? Is everything okay kitten?" He asks worried. I couldn't tell him what was happening it would be too much for him. He would sure leave me if I told him.

"No nothing's wrong can't I just kiss my amazing and hot boyfriend ." I lied again.

I kiss him again and we made out again. After we were done I just lean my head against his shoulder and say, "I love you Austin."

"I love you too Iris." He says back.
Then starts playing with my hair and humming a song.

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