Chapter 26

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I fell asleep for awhile remembering of what had happen. I got up to go get a glass of water. Hayley was in the living room.

"So you want to tell me what's going on?" Hayley asked.

"Austin and I broke up.." i tell her looking down.
"But why, I thought you two were just meant to be?" She says.

"Yesterday someone locked me in a closet at school and they took my phone and sent Austin a picture with someone's hand on my thigh and telling him I broke it off with him." I said sitting next to her.

She hugs me to comfort me.

"He's too stubborn to hear me out. I never wanted to hurt him. I love him so much." I tell her now crying.

"He will get some sense into him soon." She tells me.

I then hear a knock at the door. I get up and go open it. It was Daniel with some ice cream. I let him in and he goes sit on the couch with Hayley and me.

"So, I talked to Austin and he feels guilty that he didn't hear you out but he is still mad." Daniel bursted out.

"He told you that?" I said grabbing a pint of ice cream.

"Yea, He says he will get the person who put his hands on you." Daniel continued.

"But I already did that, didn't I?" I ask him.

"Obviously the hand is a guys hand so no?" He answered.

I just beat the most plastic girl in school and he still want to get to the guy who hurt him and touched me.

Daniel made my night by goofing around and making me smile. I almost forgot about what happen with me and Austin.

As soon as Daniel left I went straight to bed. After getting all comfy in bed my phone went off.

It was a message from Austin.
Can we talk tomorrow morning kitten.

I don't know if he's still mad at me or something. What if he wants to really break up? I will literally tell my parents to keep me homeschooled.

Yea sure.

* Next morning*

I shower and get dress in a hoodie and leggings. As much as I wanted to feel better I just couldn't. In reality I didn't want to go to school. I head downstairs and grab an apple. The doorbell rings I go open it. Austin was at my door with a bouquet of roses.

"I'm sorry princess.." He says.

I couldn't say anything. If it were possible butterflies would be coming out my mouth.

"I should have listen to you.. You needed me in that moment and... I'm just the worst boyfriend ever." He continued.

I embrace him with the biggest hug ever. He hugs me back picking me up.

" I missed you.." I tell him.

He gave me a passionate kiss and I walked out with him.

"I thought you hate me." He says.

"How could I? You're the only reason why I'm not a shy girl who gets punched everyday." I tell him.

"What do you mean everyday?" I tell him.

We get in his car and drive to school.

"Well at my old school I was always picked on everyday, so once I moved I told myself I wasn't gonna let anyone pick on me... we know how that turned out." I tell him through the whole car ride.

We get to school and he walks with me holding my waist.

"We should go check the cameras." He says.

I look at him confused.

"So we can see who touched my girl, I'm still mad at that." He says squeezing me.

We head to the front office and Austin says someone stole his phone and wants to check the camera. The lady at the front desk let him go to the back. She didn't let me go with him.

I waited until he came out. He had no expression on his face. I went up to him and we walked together out the door.

"So who was it?" I asked.
"I should have known." He said.
I'm like jogging trying to keep up with him. He goes outside pass the bleacher into the field where football is practicing. He goes straight to the quarter back and grabs him by his helmet. I decided not to get closer. He punches him in the stomach leaving him with no air in his lungs.

"Next time you touch what is mine you will regret it. Consider this your only warning." He tells him.

I had a little sympathy for the poor guy. Maybe Gaby made him do it. We walk back into school.

"You're not going to tell me what happened in the cameras," I say to him.

"Nope," He flat answered.

We go down the hallway to find Jewels running towards us. Never mind, sprinting toward us she couldn't stop knocking me down on the floor with her.

"Why in such a hurry?" I ask pushing her off me.

"I got a second audition for you guys, but like now," She says helping me up.

I grab Austin's so he would look at me.

"Are you still my partner?" I tell him.

"I'm anything you want me to be." He says with a smirk.

We head towards the auditorium. We get on the stage and we see a piano, a few students, and a teacher in the seats.

"So what would you be doing for the talent show?" A senior asked.

"We will be singing All of me by John Legend," I tell him.

"Ok carry on," He says.

Austin goes and sits on the piano and I next to him. He starts playing the melody. We both harmonize together through the whole song. Leaving the seniors with their jaws open.

"That's great guys!" One of the seniors says.
"See you next week on the show," the teacher says getting up and leaving.

We leave the auditorium and find some of our friends at the door.

"What did they say?" Asked Trevor.
"We are performing next week," Austin answered.

The girls screamed and gave me a hug. We decided to go get ice cream after classes to celebrate.

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