Chapter 8

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I flutter my eyes open and see Austin next to me. I was still wearing my outfit from last night. I started rubbing his back to wake him up.

"Good morning,kitten." he says in his sexy morning voice. He turns to see me and we were only inches away. We were about to kiss until he got up and went straight to my bathroom.

I get up and go sit next to him. I rub his back to make him feel better. I grab a new toothbrush I have in one of my draws and hand it to him when he finishes. After he's done I take a short shower and changed. Austin was laying in my bed with a hangover. I jumped on him. He grunts but puts his arms around me and squeezes me. I scream and he starts chuckling. I sit up to where I was straddling him and we were just laughing.

"I like this babe." he says with a smirk.

I bite my lip and get off I pull him up and bring him to the kitchen. I guess nobody was awake because it was so quiet. I decide to make pancakes. Austin was just staring at me.

" Damn babe wish you were my wife." he says with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes and kept on doing my thing.

" Do you ever stop saying cheesy things?" I ask him.

The front door swings opens with all our friends coming in.
"You two finally awake." says Jewels.

"I thought you guys were asleep and I was making pancakes for you all." I say with a pout.

"We just came from the diner and you guys were so cute I had to post it on media." says Jade.
I see Austin and his friends talking and Austin rubs his neck and it was cute.

I go get my phone to see what they posted we did look cute. I also look at the pictures from the party there was also a video from last night. I played it and it was me signing from last night.
I threw my phone and everyone was just staring at me.

"Who posted this online."I said frustrated.
They all raised their hands except Austin. I was a little upset at them but I couldn't be mad.

I just sighed and went to eat my pancakes but I only ate one because I wasn't really hungry anymore.

"Let's go to the park." I say a little more relaxed. I like going outside because it calms me down. They all joined I brought my notebook and bag and got in my car. Jade rode with me since she is my best friend and I don't want something inappropriate to happen in Nick's car. We were jamming to Ghost town.

" Are you still mad at the video." Jade tells me.

"No its alright don't worry about it.. it already happened." I tell her calmly.

"If it makes you feel better there is a lot of nice comments on your video." She says.

"Yea it does help I will look at them later." I tell her giving her a hug and a smile.

We all get out of our cars and run to the park.
" Last one there is a rotten egg" I scream.

We were all running. The twins were pushing eachother and they both ended up falling making them both last. We all laugh and go play around.
Austin,Daniel,Trevor,Nick, and Kyle are all sliding down the slide and the girls are on the swings.

I go sit on the bench and get my notebook out. I always get my music inspiration next to the water. I could here all my friends giggle and having fun.

"Why are you not playing with us kitten." Austin says sitting next to me.

"I'm busy now shoo go away." I tell him trying to push him off the bench.

"Come play with us." he begged.

"No." I said stubbornly and I kept writing.

Austin snatched my notebook and ran off. I had to chase after him for my stuff back. I got tired after awhile so I just sat down on the grass. All my friends came running and jumped on me. We all bursted out laughing. We played like if we were in kindergarten again.

After we were done playing at the park we decide to go eat at Pizza again. I tell you I don't think I will ever get tired of it. We had to sit in two different booths table. The twins, Kyle, Daniel and Trevor sat down in one table. Nick, Austin,Jewels, Jade and me sat on the other. I order the usual cheese pizza. At least in this pizza place there isn't some bitch that ruins something.

We were all eating and making small talk. Austin kept staring at me which made me nervous that I didn't even notice I finished my pizza. Someone came in and it was Gaby and her posse. I guess I spoke to soon. I'm happy I finished my food because now I won't have to lose my appetite. She came over to our table and started talking to Austin ignoring the rest of us.

"So Austin I was wondering if want to go to my house this afternoon we going to have a small hangout." she said with her annoying voice and popping out her chest for the boys to notice her even more.

"I can't I'm busy tonight." Austin replies with a fake smile.

"You screwing the new whore tonight right?" she ask pointing at me.

"Maybe you should stay out of my personal life and go fix your own problems like your hair." Austin said calmly.

She gasped and ran to the bathroom her friends following her hearing their heels click as they ran. We all laughed and left after we were done.

The twins, Kyle, and Trevor left and went home. The rest of us went to my house. I grab a trash bag and the guys help me clean up since we didn't clean up this morning.

After we were done we decided to watch a movie. Jade and Austin sat next to me and Daniel sat next to Austin and Jewels and Nick sat next to Jade.In the middle of the movie I got my phone out and watched the video again.

I decide to answer to some of the comments. Austin squeeze my side to get my attention.All of our friends fell asleep. It was my turn to get revenge. I took a picture of them and tweeted it. Austin and I went to my room and fell asleep there. He kissed my temple and I cuddle closer into him. 

"Do you remember what you said yesterday?"

"No what I say?" he responds.

"Nothing just go to sleep." I smile at him and close my eyes. I wanted to tell him but what if it ruins what we have going right now.

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