That was quick!

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Gotta go fast

Lui's P.O.V

I woke up to see David's fabulous face so very close to my mine. He was so cute! I mean, I couldn't see him that well because of my damaged eye and yet, I could still see his I want to confess so bad! I love him, his quirky Irishness, his beard, his shape, him. And I want to tell him all of that! Shout it, actually. But, alas, my fear of being rejected is too high! I settled on kissing him on the forehead because he is asleep and because he's too cute! He woke up and mumbled "'Morning" I grinned. "'Morning,"He sat up but then he said, "Lui I have a confession to tell you" I sat next to him and said "What?" I asked curiously. Could he really be confessing what I think he is?! "I lo-" I kissed him, I can't take it anymore goddammit!

Nogla's P.O.V

HE KISSED ME HE KISSED ME HE KISSED ME! Oh, my god, this is the best day of my life! He pulled away and I must have been so red! I was dumbfounded but some force inside of me made me kiss him back. "I love you, Lui!" I squealed. "Oh good jesus, I love you too David!" he declared. 

I can't believe what just happened! What are we going to tell the guys? Will they accept us? Will- no I can't be thinking like that, Jon is gay and nothing has happened to him. Plus Wildcat and Mini are together and everyone accepted them! Us will be no different, I hope...

Vanoss's P.O.V

I got dressed and went to the downstairs kitchen to make breakfast and when it was done, Del came down he looked...nervous, even from under his mask (which I prefer he'd take off so I could see that pretty face of his, but he can do whatever makes him comfortable). "You okay?" I asked. "Umm, Evan I need to tell you something," He said, looking down. "Ok.. what?" I stepped a small bit forward. I was getting concerned. "I-I-I like y-you! Way m-more then a fr-friend!" He stuttered. I blinked. It was too good to be true! OH MY GODDDDD!!!!  I thought it would never happen! YES! 



 "I like you too! In fact, I think like is a bit too little of a word!" I said running up and hugging him tightly. He looked so relieved.

Once everyone was in the living room I grabbed Del and walk up to the guys and say "Umm guys we have a... small confession," I said and Jon caught on, "What?" Tyler asked, and I noticed his arm was thrown across Mini's shoulders. I continued, "Delirious and I, are boyfriends!" I was blushing like mad and then Jon lifted his mask kissed me, making me blush even more!

 "We are too!"  David and Lui said in unison before kissing each other. 

Wildcat and Mini looked absolutely dumbfounded.  Mini chuckled and said. "That was quick!" We all laughed before Wildcat teased, "But slower than I thought," I pointed particularly at Jon and I. "I'm surprised you two aren't already making out in the corner. I mean come on, how obvious could you get?!" We burst out laughing.

After everything calmed, Lui asked, "What are we going tell are subscribers?" We pondered for a second before Tyle suggested. "Let's make confession! Wait...let's pretend like we were making regular videos but confessed in them because one thing lead to another!"

 "YEAH," Everyone agreed in unison. This will be fun! I can't wait to read the comment section!

(Le amazing time skip)

"Oh boy, that was fun! Christ, the comments section has exploded!" Mini declared, "and surprisingly there isn't that much hate!" Tyler added. Thank fuck. "Well, I'm going to watch TV, bye," Nogla said, "Bye Nogla," Everyone said in unison (not the first time he's disappeared to do something random.) "What to you guys what to do?" I asked. "How 'bout a.... swimming competition?" Mini suggested, gazing down the corridor to where the pool was located. "Yeah, why not." The others replied.

(Another amazing time skip)

"Well, I'm going off to bed," Lui and Wildcat said in accidental unison. "Me too," Mini replied. As they went to bed me and Delirious had a conversation about the fire and what Pokémon we liked the best, before we also went to bed. I like our little random conversations. They're full of shit and it's just the best!

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