All of the rings

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Before this chapter starts you should know that Chilled and Seananners left. There back in the Maze. It's sad, I know but they had to return to their home.

Mini P.O.V

We arrived at the Center like normal but I and I alone knew that I was going to have my test today. I've been studying my ass off so it better go well.

 "Okay! Now that everyone's here we have to tell you something!" Firestorm announced. "We've decided that because it would be easier to control the noise and so that you can focus more, you will all be taking your tests for your apprentice ring today. Vanoss, you can work on getting your Mage ring but don't expect to get it today." I was a bit shocked but it made sense. 

(Time skip)

I'm so fucking nervous! I hope I got it right. "Okay, now that you have the intelligence part done, time for the other part of the test, Physical activity." I nearly forgot about that! Let's hope training will pay off. 

(Time skip)

I'm really fucking nervous again! I've seen enough movies and books to know that I should be. I managed to keep a straight face and look a bit professional. 

"Okay, now is the time you've all been waiting for, the results." The anticipation is killing me! "I have to hear this!" Vanoss said, running up to the rest of the sisters. He isn't making anything better. "Okay, first is Wildcat." I looked over to him. He didn't look nervous but I could tell he was. (I really need to mention that since there are two tests, the highest you can get on either of them is 50%)"On the intellectual part, you scored 48%. On the physical part you scored 50%. Overall you scored 98%. Come get your ring buddy!" She announced. We started clapping. "Thank god!" He said. He walked up to Firestorm and got his ring. He didn't show it right away but I know he will later. He walked over and stood next to Vanoss.

"Next is Lui's results." "You Scored 50% on the intellectual part and 46% on the physical part. That is a passing grade of 96%. Please come get your ring!" We clapped again. "Yeah!" He said as walked up and got his ring.

It went smoothly. Everybody was passing the tests no problem. Finally, it was me. "Last but not least, Mini Ladd. You scored 50% on the intellectual part and 50% on the physical part. Congratulations, your the only one to have a perfect score. Come get your hard earned ring!" "Oh my god..." I said. Me?! A perfect score?! REALLY?! Everyone was clapping till there hands turned red. I went up and got my ring. I went to join the others. 

"Congratulations man! Knew you would do it!" Wildcat said. I blushed and remained silent. "Oh yeah one more thing!" Shadowmist said. We turned around. "Wildcat and Mini have to put on their ring in a natural solar eclipse. There is one happening in three days so get ready! And delirious has to put his on in the ocean so try to find a secluded spot!" "K! Got it!" Vanoss said.

( Time Skip )

"Now that everyone's home, let's see the rings!" Vanoss announced. Delirious went first,

 Delirious went first,

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