Not my lucky day

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Vanoss P.O.V

That was officially the third time I've almost died in this maze. Fucking hell. Thank god Brian and Metalica can heal people. Apparently three more seconds and I would've had been dead. Lovely.

Since we really want to finish this stupid maze and fucking get on with our lives we're going back in there. Hopefully none of us almost die. 

We REALLY need to concentrate so we are turning off the headset. But at the moment we see something we will turn it on. We don't care if it's only a single tree.

"See you guys later!" Firestorm shouted. I went in. Since there are no distractions I'm going to look at everything more closely. I walk slower and look at everything. 

After a while I found that room I nearly died in. A chill went down my spine. I instinctively got ready to turn on the headset if anything goes wrong. I saw that the roof was gone. I went in. 

Everything was surprisingly okay. 

This is definitely a risk but I decided to look around the room carefully. There were small black scorch marks were the fire was. The walls were actually bricks now that I look at it. I saw a small button on the far right but if Wildcat told me correctly that was what opened and closed the roof. I was about to leave when I tripped up in my own feet and fell face into the wall. "God dammit.." I mumbled. I heard a crack then something started to move. 

I was on my feet in seconds. The brick I accidentally hit was moving back into the wall and actually the wall started to move. I turned on the headset. "Guys I found something." "What?!" Firestorm asked. "I fell into a brick and turns out it's a button. The wall is moving and in a couple of seconds it will be gone completely." "Where the fuck are you?!" Delirious asked. "In the room I almost died in! Wildcat help them get here!" "Fine." 

In 5 minutes everyone was here. "Look." I said. I pushed the brick again. The wall went away revealing a hall way. "Vanoss! Since you found it, you go first!" Delirious said. "Fine but you guys are going to be right behind me." I went in. It was extremely dark. And I could swear I saw something moving in the distance but I'm hoping that was my eyes playing tricks on me. 

I almost didn't notice the huge drop down until I nearly fell into it. "Oh Shit! Wait!" I shouted but it was too late. I was pushed into the drop. 

"VANOSS!" Everyone cried.

I looked around frantically. I'm going to be as flat as a pancake if I don't do something! Then I saw it.

There was a rope! I grabbed on to it, praying to god it wouldn't snap. 

It held.

My hands hurt like hell! Thank god this gloves at least take some of the damage. I was going slower and slower until my feet hit the ground. "Make that 4 times..." I mumbled. "Vanoss?!" Delirious suddenly asked. I forgot my headset was still on. 

"I'M OKAY!" I nearly shouted. "You found the rope?!" Shadowmist asked happily. "Yeah, did you guys have anything to do with that?" "No but we noticed it about a second after you fell and prayed to the lord above that you could find it!" Windfree explained. 

"Thank the heavens above that I did. I was going to be as flat as a pancake!" 

"You mean, as flat as a Puncake!"


It is not Vanoss's lucky day. 


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