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Hello there my friends. I just want to explain a couple of things, ask some questions and most of all apologize. I'm so sorry for the lack of chapters and the fact  the chapters you do get are really fucking small! I hate February sometimes, because there are like 5 Birthdays, a  anniversary and of course my birthday on the 15. I also have plans to do a fucking huge Valentine's Day chapter so that doesn't help, and my busy schedule of being out 4 days of the week, plus I'm doing a birthday chapter for Shadowmist. I'M SO FUCKNG BUSY

question, It's sad and I don't want it too happen but I think I should this story soon, in like two months? Do you guys want me to or not to? Too make up for the my terrible work schedule, here I will give you a sneak peek of my new story that I'm in process of making, again not helping my busy schedule,

"Finally a clue!" I said aloud. It's been half a year already seen I went into searching for Jonathan, he would never leave without a trace. I looked at an old newspaper article about the biggest gang in Los santos who three days after Jon went missing got a new member, it's a very risky and dangerous long shot, he probably isn't in the gang at all but I'm willing to do absolutely anything to get my best friend no my brother back, even join a gang. I went to the risky part of town and pulled out my secret AK47 that I had. I shoot three times at an old fire escape and one at a dumpster. (That's how to signal that you want to join this specific gang) I heard some footsteps coming towards me. "Hello rookie, fallow me and I will take you to our leader" A man in a tux and flip flops on told me. He had an rocket launcher so I didn't ask any questions.

Last question, should I add in Brock and Brian to the cover?

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