A/N- A Explanation and A tag

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Hi guys! Sorry this isn't a chapter but I need to explain why I haven't been updating.

First I took a little over week off because of family issues. My account is still safe by the way.

Then during the week I was packing all my shit because over the weekend I was at camp.

But on to more exciting things! I got tagged again to do the 'Get to know me' tag! 

All you really have to do is tell people your real name, the country you live in (I decided to give the place aswell but you don't have to), your favourite colour and a description of your personality. And if you have pet you can say that too. But I need to make this clear,

If you're uncomfortable telling people any of this information, it is OKAY! Just explain and move on. Add a detail that you don't care to replace it even.

So my real name is Amber and I live in Canada in the province of Newfoundland. 

My favourite colour is purple and I have a cat named Ida. But obviously I would much rather be called misty. 

I have a 'I don't care about anything' attitude most of the time but it certainly not uncommon to see that part of me disappear and suddenly now I'm really naïve and now have a bubbly, fun and risk taking personality.

Now for the part you've probably been waiting for,

The people I'm going to tag.

I'm only tagging three people today. And I should say that I'm only tagging them out of curiosity. Not because I'm feeling evil.

Here are the lucky winners!




But I have good news for the people I just tagged,

The next three tags I'm in I'm not going to say there names!

So congratulations. You're safe for now.

So I just realized that Zer0_Dash has a book about her sooooo yeah. To replace her I'm tagging zombieplayz

You were so close to not getting tagged! Hey, at least you get the benefit of being not mentioned I guess..

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