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Wildcat's P.O.V

I hope they are coming, it almost seems like they aren't! But the backup tickets are still on the option so I shouldn't worry yet! I decided to just stay in the house and wait for the star gazing to start and hopefully wait for the guys. I hope I put the right address on the letter! I glad my aunt gave me this mansion, it would be a shame if all 12 of us had to stay in separate hotel rooms! To pass the time I guess I'll clean and refill the pool. Guess I'm not staying inside then.

Mini's P.O.V

I must have fallen asleep because I just woke up to see the ground coming closer and closer to the plane. I just decided to join the conversation that was happening wall I was asleep. "Okay let's get to Tyler's house now!" Vanoss said as all of us got into taxis, "Où veux-tu aller?" The driver asked us and Vanoss just gave him the letter with the address on it. I was very surprised when we got to the house, it was a mansion! It was even bigger then Vanoss's mansion! "Merci," I said after looking up thank you on google translate. I ran up to the door and knocked but was surprised when no one answered.

"Guys do hear that?" Nogla said I noticed there was some faint whistling in the distance. "Let's see if it's Tyler!" Lui said and we made our way around the huge house. We got to the backyard to see that Tyler was filling up a huge pool with a hose. "Tyler!" I shouted and it must have startled him because he jumped a little. He turned around and ran towards me and the others. "Hey, guys!" He said happily once he made it to the fence. "Hey, Tyler!" I said and he smiled at me. "There's no gate so, jump!" He said and we laughed but decided to anyway. I let everyone go ahead of me do limit the chance of getting pushed. "Do a flip!" Vanoss said everyone agreed.

"Fine," I said pretending to not know how to do a flip. In reality, I took gymnastics for a long time. I walked backwards a bit, ran forward and did, a double front flip. "Wow!" Nightshade said impressed. "You're a good actor, you made believe you actually didn't know flip and then you did a double front flip!" Vanoss said. "anyway let's go inside, I want to show you around!" Tyler said excitedly before turning off the hose and ushering us inside. It was a very nice house, it had 4 bathrooms, 6 bedrooms, a library, 2 living rooms, 3 offices and one dining room. It was very nicely decorated with just enough modern things and just enough antique things. The view from the 2 floor was breathtaking since the house was on a small hill.

"Since every bedroom has a double bed, the sleeping arrangements could be, Me and Mini, Vanoss and Delirious, Lui and Nogla. You girls can decide yourselves who sleeps with who." Tyler explained after the tour. " We can decide that later." Firestorm said.

" I never knew you spoke French!" I told Tyler and the others agreed, except Nightshade, she said, "I knew he spoke French, I've been watching him since he was 12!" She explained. " I can teach you guys the language if you want!" "Sure!" We all replied in unison.

( Time skip because I can )

"Salut, mon nom est Craig, ceci mon ami Lui," I said after about an hour of learning French. " you learn pretty fast! You're the second one to be able to say a sentence in French without my help!" Tyler said before looking at his watch, " I just realised, there is no food in this house" "I can come to the grocery store with you" I volunteered and he accepted. We got to his car before he said, "There is actually plenty of food, I have a surprise for you!" " I'm excited! I love surprises!" I replied, and he grinned before driving to who knows where.

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