An unexpected departure

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Vanoss P.O.V

I woke up with delirious and instantly remembered what happened yesterday, I'm so embarrassed! Delirious woke up and asked me how I was feeling and I replied honestly, "Embarrassed" "Don't be! it wasn't your fault! I would have done a lot worse, believe me!" Delirious said sincerely but then he added: "remember, Wildcat killed a man, he was hopefully in a state of loss of control, from I what I call it". I agreed with him, Tyler had a very weird look in his eyes before he made me see my worst nightmare. I know it probably wasn't his fault but man is he going to get an earful at breakfast!

I got up and got dressed before opening my door to see a sorry card? And two copies of GTA 6?????!!!! How in the hell di Tyler get his hands on this?! I looked down the hallway to see that everybody's room except Mini's and Tyler's had two copies! This must've cost a fortune! I never imagined Tyler of all people, to make a sorry card and buy us stuff! I immediately showed Delirious the stuff and he was as astonished as I was! He said, "Wow, he must feel bad!" I agreed with him before going downstairs and looking for Tyler to thank him but he wasn't there?

I did a whole house search but he wasn't here, all I found was another little letter stuck on the door. I decided to wake everyone up and have a small discussion in the living room. I went from room to room and got everybody up but when I got to Lui and Nogla's room I opened the door see, Nogla reading and Lui just doing things on his phone, they seemed surprised at my appearance but quickly came down to the living room with the others.

All of them were chatting to each other about the games obviously. "Why are we here exactly?" Asked Mini. "To read these," I said before holding up the two letters, one from the card and one from the door. "To try and find out where Wildcat went" I added and Nogla said, "Well, start reading!"

Dear friends,

I want to say sorry, especially to Evan. I went overboard, insane or just plain stupid. I just lost control and I'm not blaming it on me being in the heat of the moment of getting revenge on Marcus. I'm just sorry. I embarrassed Evan and Myself. I'm sorry and I just want to let you guys know, I'm never going to do it again. I'm sorry.

From Tyler

Mini was speechless and I was too. "Read the one that was on the door!" Lui encouraged.

Dear friends,

I've decided to leave for awhile because I'm doing worse than good by being here. I have already made a video so you don't need to tell my fans why I'm gone. By the time you guys are reading this I will be long gone. I will tell you where I'm going but don't try to follow me, it would be useless. I'm going to Paris. I never told you but I can speak perfect French. I'm going for 2 weeks. If you do decide to come after me, I can't stop you but just please don't come, it will only waste your time.

From Tyler

Sorry for the short chapter! Misty out! 💜🐱💜

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