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1 Week later

Vanoss P.O.V

I woke up and Delirious wasn't here, must of gotten up early. "Delirious?" I asked as I walked into the living room. "Yeah?" He replied looking over the couch at me. "Oh, just wondering why you got up early, normally  you don't get up till 8:00 and it's 7:04" "I got bored" at that point the TV turned on to commercials.

"Do you want to have an amazing time?" "Do you want to finally conquer your fear of heights?" "Then come down to Sarah's Skydiving! (Random name)" Then it showed a compilation of go pro footage of sky divers. Me and delirious took one look at each other and he said one thing that made me smile, "get the chloroform, were gonna have some fun" We went upstairs, got the chloroform and knocked out the others, who were still asleep. Meanwhile Delirious called Windfree to reschedule Nogla's lesson to later. "They are gonna kill us, you know that right?" Delirious said while doing his insane laugh. "Oh of course, now help me dress them." (Meanwhile I'm laughing at what I just wrote)

"Man, Wildcat is heavy!" Delirious said as we got Wildcat into a sitting position in the car. "He is 6'foot 4" I said, then got on my motorcycle and fallowed Delirious. We drove for about, 1 hour before we got to the parking lot of the Sarah's Sky diving. I got off my motorcycle and stood by Delirious's window. "Now we wait" I said.

 "What the hell?" Nogla said groggily. "Wow, that's pretty fast waking time for being knocked out with chloroform." Delirious said. "WHAT?!" Nogla almost shouted. (Yes I know chloroform has some really BAD and nasty effects on people...but I'm going to ignore them...sorry.) "We knocked you out, simple as that." I explained. "Should've known" He said with annoyance. One by one the guys woke up, asked the same questions and when they got the answer, sighed heavily. "Let's go now that everyone's awake!" Delirious said. "This better be fun!" Wildcat said. "Welcome to Sarah's skydiving! The next plane leaves in an half an hour so let's get you suited up! Follow me" a young woman with energy to spare said. 

"Bye have a adrenaline rushing time!" She said as we boarded the plane. "Hi I'm Ron, have any if you gone Skydiving before?" A middle aged man asked us. "Nope non of us have" I answered. "Okay then, you'll just have to follow me and when I let my parachute go, let's your's do the same." He explained and we nodded. 

"Okay boys, time to fly!" Ron said as he opened the door and one by one we jumped out, "Weeee!" Lui screamed "To Narnia!" Wildcat called "Shiiiiitttttt!" Nogla exclaimed "I regret nothing!" Delirious remarked "OOOHHHHHH!" Mini shouted "For Canada!" I boomed. Ron came after us laughing at our remarks. He screamed, "ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE PARACHUTE THERE IS A BUTTON, PRESS IT AND COLOURED GAS COMES OUT!" I pressed it and low and behold red gas came out. Delirious had blue, Lui had green, Nogla had white, Mini had purple and Wildcat had black. I think the girls had to do with that, for a split second I thought I saw Fraiya in the plane. "THIS IS AWESOME!" Mini shouted. "I TOLD YOU!" I shouted back. I managed to grab Delirious's hand and we began spinning. "LOOK AT EVAN AND DELIRIOUS!" Nogla screamed, laughing. "I'M REALLY DIZZY!" Delirious shouted. At that point Mini and Wildcat started to spin together as well, Nogla and Lui didn't but instead did all kinds of flips and tricks together. Me and Delirious stopped spinning so we could have a chance at not throwing up, Mini and Wildcat doing the same.

"3!" Ron shouted. "2!" "1!" He pulled the cord-thingy on the parachute and flew up really fast. We all did same, not wanting to plunge to our deaths. We landed and almost immediately Wildcat said, "You are forgiven." 


Delirious: That was fucking fun!

I had fun writing it!

Vanoss: I only have one question


Vanoss: Why the hell do I have Chloroform just sitting around in my house?!

I don't know, research purposes?

Vanoss: Good enough

Everyone together: Bye!

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