Requested Draco x Reader

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You wander slowly into Kings Cross Station, it's your first year at Hogwarts and you had no idea how to get onto the platform.

"Merlins beard, Draco, don't fraternise with these mudbloods, you're far superior" you hear a voice say behind you and your ears perk up at the word "mudblood". You'd heard your father use that term many a time.

"Excuse me?" You ask the family that had had that conversation, with your nose in the air. A tall man and woman with a son about your age stood before you in traditional wizarding wear. "Can you possibly tell me how to get to platform nine and three quarters? My father had a meeting at the ministry that he couldn't possibly miss and couldn't come to see me off" you say sounding almost bored. You look at the boy with his slicked back blonde hair and smirk, he was rather attractive.

"And why should we help you?" Asked the man, earning a slap on the arm from his wife.

"Do you know who I am?" You ask snootily, not believing the manner the man had talked to you in.

"Not at all" the man replied looking down his nose at you. You roll your eyes at his arrogance. "I'm (y/f/n) (y/l/n), my father is deputy minister for magic" you say in an exhausted tone.

The mans eyes widened significantly, as did his wife's, but the boy simply smirked at your manner. "M-my apologies Miss (y/l/n). Of course we'll help you to the platform. T-this is my son Draco, I believe you will be in the same year"

You stick your hand out to Draco and smile sheepishly. "Nice to meet you Draco, I do hope we shall be in the same house, we could be great friends" you say blushing slightly.

He smiles back "of course, Miss (y/l/n)" you roll your eyes and say while laughing. "Oh please, Draco, call me (y/n). I do hope you'll be in Slytherin, the best house there is."

The whole family's eyes widened. "Of c-course I'll be in Slytherin, (y/n). My whole family has been!"

You smile and start following Draco's mother and father. You grab Draco's hand making his face flush red, a complete contrast from his hair. You pull him along behind you heading to the platform.

This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


I apologise if this is not what whoever requested this wanted but as it is so close to Christmas I'm very busy and this is the first thing that came to mind!

I also felt like I had to update so I apologise if it's short and a bit crappy.

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