Oliver x Reader

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"Go Oliver!" You yell louder than the rest of the crowd. Your boyfriend, Oliver Wood, was Gryffindor keeper and he just made another amazing save.

The way the muscles in his arms flexed as he raised his arms up, the way he flashed his smirk at the crowd, it all drive you crazy. His eyes fix on you as you cheer, you blow him a quick kiss which he pretends to catch making you giggle and blush as everyone turned to you 'aww'ing.


The game went on for hours before Harry Potter finally caught the snitch. You ran to Oliver as the Hufflepuff team walked grumpily from the field, your best friend Cedric Diggory flashing you a quick smile, which you returned immediately before running into Oliver's awaiting arms.

"You were brilliant, Oliver! Oh my God, you were fantastic, did you hear me cheering? I'm sure I was the loud-" your rambling was cut off by Oliver's soft lips against yours. You kiss back enthusiastically, not caring that people were watching. Oliver entwined his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck.

He dips you towards the floor and you giggle against his lips, which makes him smile.

"TOO MUCH PDA, MY EYES!" You hear one of the twins yell and you pull away from Oliver blushing bright red.

"S-sorry.." You mumble and Fred laughs.

"Ignore them, baby," Oliver says in his deep voice, "I want the whole world to know you're mine."


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