There it is. The golden snitch!! You race for it, only to be pushed off your broom when a bludger hits you. You close your eyes and prepare for the worst. It wouldn't be too bad to die, you thought, quick and painless, right?
Just as you were preparing to hit the ground, you hear a slight panicked yell that sounded an awful lot like a spell. Soon you landed on what felt like a thousand pillows, and opened your eyes. Professors Dumbledore, Snape, McGonnagle and Cedric Diggory were stood around you looks of horror and relief on their faces.
"What happened?" You ask shyly, you'd had a crush on Cedric and the look of concern on his face made you blush.
"Miss (Y/L/N), Mr Diggory sent a spell just in time. Without him Merlin knows what state you'd be in currently!" Professor McGonnagle exclaims. You look at Cedric, who had just taken a seat next to you and smile before whispering "Thank you so much".
Cedric smiles and pulls you to his side, arm around your shoulders before saying "I'll take (Y/N) back inside, she needs rest." As the teachers agree, he lifts you up into a bridal carry which makes you squeal. Cedric just chuckles and walks off towards the castle.
"You know (Y/N), you're adorable" Cedric whispers. Your face goes a bright red as you bury your face into his neck. "Aw come on (Y/N)! Look at me" Cedric says the last part so seriously you can't stop yourself from looking up. Just as you do Cedric places you on the floor and pulls your chin up so your lips meet, and in that moment, you know that this was worth the fall.
Harry Potter Character One Shots.
أدب الهواةVarious one shots for Harry Potter characters!! Hi y'all I wrote most of these when I was like 13 so prepare - the last like 5 are probably the best I do not own any of these wonderful characters, they all belong to the amazing J.K. Rowling! The upd...