Day 3: The Best 31 Days

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"Life is a Story...make yours the best seller~ Anonymous


Leilani's Diary Entry: Well, today I ran back into Odell. Ain't that some shit? I found out some things about him working at Forever 21. He found out some things about me, except that I have cancer. I mean...why should he know about that now? We just met...

December 3, 2015

"Odell! Stop!" I scream at him. Today we met up again. I decided to go back to his job. He said he was gonna help me find a job, so we started going job surfing.

"What? Do you not like water?" He asked putting the cold bottled water on my neck.

"I do like water, but its too cold." I say as we started walking. At first we went to H&M, then to Old Navy.

"You should really work at a food store in the food court." Odell said.

"For what? I don't want to work there, I know what they be doing to people food."

"Well, so I can get a discount because you work there, and what do they be doing?"

"Trust me, my sister worked at Checkers once and she saw her coworker throw a hamburger bun on the ground and wiped it across the floor. Then put it on top of the sandwich, and gave it to the customer." By the time I finished my story Odell had this Disgusting look on his face.

"I wish somebody would do that to me." He says. "Well you can't see what's behind the counter. That's why I don't order from a fast food restaurant."

"Well thanks for telling me."

We started walking around the mall until odell pulled me into the T-Mobile store.

"Why we in here?" I asked. "You need a cell phone. And I told you that I'll get you one. So pick out any kind."

"Odell I can't let you-" he cut me off.

"I'm not taking no as an answer." He smiled at me. "Ugh. Fine." I say.

I picked out An I phone 6 plus. "Nice choice," Odell smiled at me.

Its been a while before I last had a phone. Since my phone bill was high, my mom just cut it off.

"Here you go Le," Odell hands me the phone.

"Thanks O." I take the phone and we walks out the store.

"Why do you carry that bag everywhere?" He asked me.


"Because what? Do you have stuff important in there?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I giggle.

"Nah, you first." He says. "Fine. I carry this bag because my most valuable things are in here. I also love to carry it when I go on adventures so-"

"Wait.. Adventures?" He asked. "Yea, I'm a very adventurous girl. I love to explore. Like one day, I would adore if me and my soulmate sits on top of a hill and watch the stars, or go to Paris, and watch the snow fall on the Eiffel tower. I guess you can call me Dora."

He smiles at me. We started walking again.

"So I asked you a question." I say.

"Oh, about why I ask so many questions? Well, its many reasons. One, because I'm curious. Two, I want to know. Three, I love to ask questions."

"Here, give me your phone." He says and I give it to him. He turns on the camera and starts taking pictures.

"Let me take a selfie." He sings as he takes the pictures of us.

Then he put his number in my phone then gives it back to me.

I put his contact name in as 'Odellie' I showed him the name and he laughs. He puts my contact name as 'Dora'.

"Wow, you got jokes." I say. "Hey, You said I can call you it."

We started to walk and talk again. As we was talking something came up in my head for me to ask a specific question.

"If you have 31 days to do anything you wished to do...what will it be?"

Odell looked at me as I asked the question. "Man, 31 days is a short amount of time for me to do everything. Why?" He asked

"Because, I have 31 days..."

"Why do you have 31 days?" He looked at me with a confused look.

"Because after 31 days, I'm leaving." I smile at him. "Leaving where?"

"I'm leaving, to a very special place." I say.

"Well, Don't worry..." He says grabbing my hands. He looks down at me into my eyes.

"...Because I'll make sure you have the best 31 days of your life."


Sorry it's so short, but just a quick update before I take a nap. But just a few questions...

When you think Leilani will tell Odell that she got cancer?

•Do you think Odell will ask Leilani where she is going after 31 days?

But... Odell was straight up acting up yesterday, but you can't say Josh Norman wasn't acting a fool because he was.

But did y'all see Cam's face when odell scored the last touchdown..?

Bye Lovelies💕


31 Days• Odell Beckham Jr. [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now