Day 21: Forgive Me?

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"Sometimes I think about the past, and end up falling apart inside."~ anonymous

Leilani's Diary Entry: I... Kissed...Omar... What type of shit is this? I love Odell, but I kissed Omar..? Is this what being in love feels like? I know...well I hope Odell didn't do this. No...I know, Odell would do this to me because he loves me. But...I kissed Omar. This is so wrong. My head is spinning so many ways. I'm just so messed up right now, I don't know what to do. Should I tell Odell..? Or keep it a secret?

December 21, 2015

To: Lani💦😩
From: Odell🖕🏼😒
Meet me on 3591 Coates Lane.

I looked at my phone to see the text from Odell.

To: Odell🖕🏼😒
From: Lani💦😩

I was writing in my journal until he texted me back.

To: Lani💦😩
From: Odell🖕🏼😒
Because it's important, please babe?

I groaned and got up from the bed. Since I was already dressed, I just put on my shoes and left the room, while texting Odell back.

To: Odell🖕🏼😒
From: Lani💦😩
I'm on my way.


"Hey, Chloe where's my phone?" Odell asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and he groaned.

"Did you check your pockets?"

Odell pulled out everything from his pockets and it was a little white card. "Nope, just the hotel key." He tells me, putting the card on the table.

"I'm gonna check upstairs," he says running up the stairs. I smirk pulling his phone out my back pocket.

I grabbed the hotel room key, and left out the door.


I took the hotel card out and slid it through the lock. The door opened, and I walked in. Nothing was on, so I was guessing that she was still out.

I started searching through everything there, but I didn't find anything. "Man, this bitch is boring."

That's when I found her diary on the bed. I flipped through the pages of her diary.

I turned to her most recent page, and read it. The first words I found was; I...Kissed...Omar.

I smirked and shook her head. "This sneaky hoe."

I took a picture of the page, on Odell's phone, and left the hotel.


"We've you been?" I asked Chloe. "Oh, I just had to get some fresh air, found your phone yet?"

I shook my head. I didn't know where my phone was. "Really Odell?" I furrowed up my eyebrows.

She holds up my phone. "Where you find it at?" I stand up and starting walking towards her.

"It was on the countertop."

"Thank you, so much." I grabbed the phone and I unlocked it too see a picture.

I looked at the picture closely, to see it was a picture from Leilani's diary.

I read the writing to see that it was her hand writing, and I was shocked to saw what she wrote. My blood started to boiling.

"Chloe I'll be back." Before she even said anything, I walked out the house.


I started banging on the door. Leilani answered it and I barged in. "What the fuck?"

"Where is he?" I say. "Where is who?"

"Leilani don't play dumb with me! Where the fuck is Omar!?" She jumped at the tone of my voice.

"H-He's not here." She stuttered.

I started looking through the room. Nobody was here. "What's your problem Odell?"

"You kissed Omar!" I went over to the diary and grabbed it.

"You kissed him!"

"You was looking through my shit?!" She yelled at me. "Yea and so what?"

"Why are you looking through my diary?" She asked. "Because I can. You already know how I feel about that nigga, and you kissed him?!"

She stayed silent. "You can't see him again." I ripped the page out her diary.

"Odell what the fuck are you doing!?" She said trying to stop me.

I ripped another page out.
"Odell stop!!" She cried. I got so mad that I ripped out almost every page. "Odell!"

She charged at me, but I pushed her and she fell and hit her head at the corner or the table.

I finally knew what I've had done, when I heard her whimper. "Lani I-"

"Get the fuck out!" She yelled with tears running down her face. "Leilani, I'm sorry." She stands up and points to the door.

"Odell, just please leave me the fuck alone." I slowly moved towards the door, she avoids eye contact with me. I walk out the door.


Using the key, I unlocked the hotel room, hoping Leilani wasn't gonna push me away. I slowly walked into the room, and saw Leilani sleeping.

I was about to go over next to her, until I stepped on the diary and the ripped pages. I picked them up. I pulled out the scotch tape I brought from the store out my pocket.

I sat on my knees and taped together the ripped pages from the diary.

After I was done, I put the diary next to the coffee table.

"I'm so sorry, Leilani." I whispered to her. I kissed her forehead.

I walked out the room, and I slowly closed the door. I really hoped she forgives me. I don't know what have gotten into me.

I don't even know why I was mad...I had sex with Chloe. She only kissed Omar. Me having sex is 10 times worse than her just kissing someone.

I love Leilani...but I think I'm catching feelings for Chloe.


I'm about ready to cut Odell off💀
My crazy ass would've punched him in the face.
How was it?🤔
Bye Lovelies💕


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