Self-Critic - 01/18/16
Insert dialogue or onomatopoeia.
"What was that, Mitchy?" Scott called from upstairs as he slipped a nondescript and unimportant tank top over his head.
Mitch glanced up from his phone to holler back, "It was the usual in medias res start Lisa loves to do!"
"Oh, yeah, 'cause she hates starting with exposition?" The blonde made his way down the stairs to plop down next to Mitch. "It's about now that we subtly establish our relationship in this specific one shot, right?"
"Right," Mitch mumbled, turning to show Scott a photo. "Look at this great edit of us kissing, babe."
Scott kissed his boyfriend on the lips more realistically than the edit. "So when are we telling the fans?"
Mitch shrugged. "Whenever Lisa decides to, I guess. It might be a thing where it comes out by accident and you forget to edit it out."
"That's stupid. We were going to plan it out and make it really cute and stuff. Also, I triple-check the videos after I edit them to make sure mistakes like that are left out."
"Yeah, well, Lisa doesn't plan out her writing so she just does whatever she feels will work." Mitch finally put his phone down to face Scott. "Which is why we're going to make out and then you'll tell me we should stop because Kirstie's coming over soon."
Scott gasped. "You said the S word!!"
"Oh, shut up, you big noodle," Mitch said, and he leaned down and pressed his lips to Scott's, their lips hungry for the other's as if they had little stomachs and brains of their own.
Mitch suddenly sat up, and Scott, his lips swollen, propped himself up also. "What's wrong?"
Mitch felt his eyes widen. "Lisa forgot that she usually writes things in my point of view!"
Mitch blinked, and suddenly I was looking at Scott again, but in a different light. Like someone had just put a "love" filter over everything. "Oh, that's much better," I murmured. "Now Lisa's few readers can really feel the love I feel for you and you feel for me."
"Did you say few?" Scott asked, playing with the hem of my shirt. "What's the point, then? Why do we act out all these different little stories?"
"She asks herself the same thing, Scotty Boy."
Suddenly the door burst in, almost as if forcefully kicked, and, as I had predicted earlier, in walked Kirstie. "Is it time for my unprecedented entrance?" She bellowed as she closed the door behind her and sat down next to Scott and I, still straddling each other and... well. Lisa never wrote that we changed position, so...
Kirstie glanced at us and I hurriedly hopped off of Scott, allowing him to straighten up and make room for both of us to sit properly on the couch. "You guys are getting worse and worse at hiding this every day," she remarked.
"It's not our fault," I retorted. "Lisa's getting writer's block and her writing gets worse every time she comes back."
"At least I exist in this one." Kirstie rubbed her hands over her arms. "I like having a part in her little episodes."
"They're called one-shots, Kirst," Scott says, matter-of-factly. "If they were episodes, we'd be replaced by crappy actor substitutes and Lisa would have a lot more work to do."
"Don't give her any bright ideas for her YouTube channel," I warned.
Kirstie shook her head. "Well, the point is, I came here to ask you guys if Jeremy has said anything to you, because he's been acting really weird lately."
I turned to her. "What do you mean?"
"By Justin Bieber," Scott interjected before any of the readers could comment such.
Kirstie gulped. "Well-"
And cliffhanger. Perfect.
Inspired by Clemonlime because he told me to do his so it wasn't really inspiration but eh. We can let that slide.
This is my last backup and I'm not even through January. This is going to be difficult.
My drawing today was kind of a hand study but also for a collab account on Instagram and I'm proud of it so there.
just write it all out
RandomMy New Year's resolution- draw something every day, and write something every day. Here's the writing part.