My Sexy Kidnapper

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I was on my way back home from school. I had to sit in detention for an hour and didn't get out till 4 o'clock! My mom doesn't know I had it which meant I had to take the short cut home through the alley. She said never go through there when its getting dark but it looked pretty empty to me..

I was halfway down before I heard noises behind me but when I turned around, no one was there. Only a couple of garbage cans.

I'm just imagining things...

I continued walking, a little faster this time, and heard noises again. I took out my phone to call my best friend but it was smacked out of my hand. It fell on the ground and basically broke into a million pieces. I felt a cold metal held against my throat and someone held my hands behind my back.

Show no fear, I told myself.

"If you scream I will cut your throat right here and let you die. Do you want that?", the man said.

"No but I'd like to be let go. You're hurting my arms", I said with attitude. I'm not trying to get killed or raped or something but I have a smart mouth. I don't really care who you are. He loosened up his grip but it was still a little tight. My head was facing the wall so I wasn't able to see his face. "Who are you? You don't even know me."

"I know exactly who you are", he said against my neck. His voice was sexy, not gonna lie. "Your name is Ava Johnson. 16 years old and a sophomore in high school. You're a singer and dancer. You live on 735 Chestnut Avenue."

Did I have a stalker? How does he know all this stuff? What is he going to do to me? I had so many questions that I want to be answered.

"Now you're going to come with me to my car. Act normal. If you try anything and I mean ANYTHING, I will cut you into pieces. Got it?", he whispered.

"Whatever", I said rolling my eyes. He chuckled and let go of my arms. I turned around and saw him. I know it's wrong of me but he was.... Cute. Yeah I said it. This possible killer, rapist, and kidnapper is cute. He looked about 20 and stood 6 feet tall. His lips were big and juicy and he had "vampire" teeth. He was built too. We began walking down the alley and onto the sidewalk. When he got to his car, he opened the door and roughly pushed me into it. I groaned and he got into the other side and started driving.

"So, Ava, I'm guessing you have a lot of questions. Be free to ask.", he smiled.

"Who are you?", was my first question.

"My name is Chresanto August and I'm 22 years old. Next."

"Where and why are you taking me?"

"I'm not saying where I'm taking you but it's far out from the city. I'm taking you because I've been seeing you around. I would say I have an obsession with you. I love everything about you. Your brown hair, your long and smooth legs, your hazel eyes, your everything."

I didn't ask anything else after that. I just looked straight forward. Then I thought of one more,"What are you gonna do to me?"

He chuckled lightly,"Whatever I want to." Great. After 2 hours of driving, I couldn't keep my eyes open. As hard as I tried I just couldn't. Then I fell asleep.


When I woke up, I was on a mattress that was on the floor. I wonder what time it is? I wonder what my mom is thinking. It's nighttime and I'm still not home. "HELLO?", I called out. I hear footsteps that sounded like they were going up stairs. So I'm in a house.

"Good. You're awake", he said. Oh my Jesus. He didn't have a shirt on. If he wasn't crazy and kidnapped me... You don't know the things I would do to him. That body was just perfect. "Are you going to look up now?" Oops... I looked up, at his face.

"Whatever you're going to do to me, do it quick so I could get out of here", I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh sweetie. I don't plan letting you go anytime soon", he smirked. He came towards me and grabbed my hand to lift me up.

"Are you going to rape me or something", I asked. Something about him just seemed too nice. When I hear about kidnappers, they beat and rape they victims. I'm not trying to let that happen to me.

"It's not rape if you like it", he said winking. I scrunched my eyebrows and yanked my hand away from his. "I'm not a mean guy. Unless you make me. Or if I don't take my medicine... I've killed many girls like you before for trying to escape me."

So he is a killer.

"What do you mean by 'girls like me'?", I asked.

"The feisty ones.. The ones with attitude. You don't like people telling you what to do. And you have a smart mouth", he explained. He described me just right.

"Oh.." I was getting A LITTLE scared now. There was so much I wanted to do with my life. I don't want nobody killing me. He walked over to the closet and threw me a towel.

"Go take a shower. The bathroom is down the hall to the left", he said. I found my way to the bathroom. No windows dammit. I turned on the water and closed the door. After my clothes were off, I stepped in the shower. It felt weird because it wasn't my bathroom. My shower. I finished and got out, wrapping the towel around my body. I put my hair in a bun and went exploring around the house. There was a bigger bedroom down the hall which I'm guessing was his. I went farther down and saw a small room. There were pictures of me hanging on the wall. Pictures of me walking, at home, at the park, at school.... In the shower. Sicko. I took them off the wall and ripped it up.

"Did I tell you to come in here", I heard his voice say. I turned around quickly,"Um sorry. I'm just curious..."

"So am I", he smirked and walked to me. He grabbed my waist and began sucking on my neck.

I tried pushing him off of me but from the size he was, I couldn't move him. "Get off of me!", I said. It's not like I liked it but my body did.

"It doesn't sound like you want me off", he said still kissing me. His hand opened my towel and he started traveling down. I slapped at his chest and tried to remove his hand but nothing was working. He stopped his hand right underneath my stomach and he took his lips off my neck. Leaving me wanting more, unfortunately. "There.. I'm off.", he said. "Go back to your room and ill give you some food."

"It's not MY room.", I said.

"Keep that attitude up Ava and you won't get anything.", he said. He looked angry this time. After staring me down, he walked away.



Do You Think Ava Should Start Liking Him?

Chres (Roc) obviously ha something wrong with him by the way. That's going to rise a lot of conflict during the story ;)

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