Chapter 25

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I took a very long shower then I sat there on the bed with my knees up to my chest until Chres got home. When he walked into the room, I gave him a faint smile,"I like your hair." It was cut, still curly, and blonde on top.

"You don't sound like it", he frowned.

I put my knees down and put a big fake smile on,"OMG Chresanto I love our hair!"

"Thank you", he laughed. He put his hand out and pulled me up from the bed. "You promised something." He tried to kiss me but I turned my head.

"I'm sorry....", I said.

"Aww why not???", he whined.

"Period", I said again. That's the only excuse I could give him.

"Dammit. I still can't kiss you?", he asked. I hesitated before giving him a quick peck on the lips. They felt like..... "His". "Are you okay Ava?" He asked again.

"I'm cool."

"Then why you kiss me like that?", he laughed.

I fake coughed,"Im sick."

"You're sick and on your period? Okay", he said rolling his eyes.

I grabbed his face with both my hands and kissed him passionately. I sucked on his bottom lip and his tongue slid through lips and into my mouth. I moaned into his mouth as he grabbed my butt. He probably thought I was enjoying this right now but I was feeling the complete opposite. I felt disgusted with myself. I had to do this though so he wouldn't act suspicious.

"I just wanted to get you when you weren't ready", I winked after pulling away from him.

He whispered in my ear,"I can't wait till you're off."

"Yeah... Me too."


At night, my mom decided to make dinner because Michael canceled on her. If only she knew... We were all at the table eating our spaghetti.

"This is so good Brenda. I haven't had a home cooked meal since I was a kid", Chres said with a mouth full of food.

"Thank you!", my mom laughed. He was such a messy eater. "Honey, you didn't touch your food yet."

I pushed my plate away,"Im not hungry. I'm just really tired." I excused myself from the table and went to my room. I ripped the blankets and sheets off the bed then threw them in the laundry basket. I got another large blanket from my closet and got underneath it. "Fuck! Why did this happen to me?!", I cried. The tears just streamed down my face like a waterfall. I knew they weren't gonna stop anytime soon. Again, I heard a knock. I immediately thought of earlier today. "NO. STOP IT! PLEASE", I screamed jumping out the bed. I went into the corner bundled up in the blanket. Still crying I said,"Please don't. Please." The person bent down in front of me and I made out Chres' face. He grabbed me into a hug and I cried into his chest.

"Ava what's wrong? What happened?", he asked.

"Nothing", I said wiping my tears,"Im fine."

"No you're not Ava. When I came in here, you jumped away like I was gonna do something. What's going on?"

"I just want to... Go to bed", I whispered. Chres picked me up and got into bed with me. He cuddled up with me but I scooted away. It was very uncomfortable. I heard Chres sigh and I started crying again. Why am I supposed to do?


I was in a room I didn't recognize. I tried moving but I was tied down onto a bed, naked. My hands and legs were tied to the bed. From the darkness, I saw Michael appear in front of me. He didn't have any clothes on either. He got on top of me and positioned himself in front of me,"You ready?"

*end of dream*

"NO. STOP YOUR HURTING ME! PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE", I yelled and started hitting Chres. I though I was still dreaming so I thought that Chres was Michael.

"Whoa! Calm down!", Chresanto yelled trying to block his face. The light cut on and I saw my mom at the door. Then I looked down and saw Chres. Oh no.

"Baby what are you doing?!", my mom yelled.

"I thought he was.... Um..", I stopped. I couldn't let it slip. "I was having nightmare. Sorry."

My mom yawned,"Oh my.. Please go back to sleep." Then she left.

"Tell me what's wrong. Right now. I'm not taking no for an answer", Chres demanded.

"I.. It was just a nightmare", I mumbled.

"Ava look at you! You're CRYING right now! That was not JUST a nightmare", he said.

"I just.. Don't understand how he could do that to me", I said.

"WHO? DO WHAT AVA? YOU BETTER TELL ME RIGHT NOW. Was it Rayan?!", he yelled.

"Rayan didn't do anything", I said laying back down. I got back under the blanket.

"So that's it?", he asked. I ignored him. "Fine. I'll be sleeping on the couch."

This was eating me alive. I had to tell SOMEONE. I had to let it out. The only other person I could trust was Rayan.


"Yeah can you come get me please?", I said into the phone.

"Sure.. I'm coming right now. What's wrong?", Ray asked.

"Please just come", I repeated and hung up.

In 5 minutes he was at my house and we drove in silence. When we got to his house, I sat on the couch and cried again. He ran over to me and wrapped me in his arms. I was about to pull away but I didn't even have the energy.

"Whoa Ava! What happened?", he asked frantically.

"What I'm about to tell you... You can't tell ANYONE", I yelled.

"Okay. Okay I won't tell anyone", he said.

"My mom started dating this guy, Michael, and me and Chres knew there was something off about him. Well that day when you took me home, he was there. No one else was. And he raped me Ray! He raped me and said if I tell anyone, he'd kill my mom!", I cried. He got up and paced back and forth then kicked the glass table making it break.

"I am so sorry! I shouldn't have taken you home!!! Who was he?! What does he look like!", he yelled.

"He was white, green eyes, an reddish brown hair. But you can't tell ANYONE. I haven't even told Chresanto!", I said. He froze. "What?"

He looked even angrier,"I knew something was wrong with him! FUCK. Ava.. My mom married that guy. That's how we're so rich! That's my stepdad!"



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