Chapter 41

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"I thought you killed Michael!", I cried out.

"I thought I did... I even buried him!", Chres said scratching his head.

"Obviously you didn't cause he took her!", I yelled. Chres ignored me and stood there. It looked like he was thinking hard about something. "What are you still standing there for?! We have to find her!"

"I'm thinking so can you just stop talking for just a second", he said. I didn't say anything until he said something,"Well.. It's way too late to be looking for her now. She has to be gone a full 24 hours until we can say she's missing", he grabbed my hands,"But we'll find her. I promise and I'm not breaking this one. I don't know how we're going to or what conditions she'll be in but we will. Looking for her will be the first thing we'll do when we get up tomorrow okay? I just want you to rest."

I knew he was telling the truth. I knew we'd find her.



I jumped up on my bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked over to the clock and it was 3:43 am. Who could be calling me this late. I looked at the caller ID and it was a number I didn't know. "Hello?"

"Ava..", I heard my mom whisper.

I started crying immediately and shook Chres until he woke up. "My moms on the phone! Get up!!", I yelled. He immediately sat up. "Mom where are you? Who has you? Was it Michael??"

"I have no idea where I am. I think I'm at a house? I'm in a room though. I found this phone and wanted to call you to get help. But you have to hurry before he comes back", she said. I could tell she was crying. So first I get kidnapped, and now her. There has to be some reason for this.

"Who's he?? Who took you?!", I yelled.

"I'll call you back. I hear him coming", she whispered then it hung up.

I got out the bed,"We need to leave. Right now. We have to look for her. I don't see how such a sick person could kidnap someone. It's disgusting!", I said pulling on some pants.

"So does that mean I'm a sick, disgusting person?", he asked.

I turned to him,"Of course not. You already know I love you. I meant other people ESPECIALLY whoever has my mom."


We spent five hours driving around the entire city. We searched abandoned houses, old warehouses.. Everything. There was just no luck.


"Mom?!", I asked. I hadn't looked at the caller ID.

"Um no.. It's Ray. What are you doing", he asked.

"Looking for my mom. I'm waiting for her to call me back so I can't talk", I hurried.

"Well.. Can I come over tonight? I'm sure I can help", he said.

I smiled,"Okay.. See you tonight." We said goodbye and hung up.

"Who are you seeing tonight?", Chres asked.

"Ray.. He said he's coming over", I said.

"Oh.. I was going to look for your mom some more tonight because I'm tired right now. I was gonna go to the police station too. So I won't be there I guess", he shrugged. "But if he tries anything you better tell me. I'll fuck him up."

I laughed,"It's okay Chres. Nothing's gonna happen."


Chres was getting ready to leave again as I was trying to finish this bottle of Vodka. I don't usually drink but I think it was the stress. Chres was trying to get me to stop but I wasn't listening. "Im leaving now..", he said taking the bottle from me. "Please don't drink anymore. I told you I'd find her."

I pouted,"Finnnnne. I love yoouuu."

He shook his head,"I love you too Ava..... Oh hi Ray. Its good you came right now because shes super drunk. Make sure she doesnt do anything stupid."

They started talking about other stuff but I couldnt really hear them. After a while, Chres left and Ray came to sit next to me. "You feelin okay?", he asked.

I threw my arms around him,"Noooo. Hold me!"

"Youre such a mess", he chuckled.

I ignored him and poked his cheek,"You look cute today."

"Okay, Ava.", he said.

"I mean.. you always are. If I wasnt dating Chres, Id date you", I smiled. Deep down inside I cursed myself out for even saying that. This is what I get for drinking.

"You need to stop talking before you say the wrong thing", he warned. He was right but the words just kept flowing out.

"You dont like me?", I whined.

"You already know the answer to that", he sighed.

"Why dont you ever showwww meee?", i slurred.


"Why dont you ever showwww meee?", she slurred.

"Show you? How?", i asked. She leaned in and tried to kiss but i turned away so that she got my cheek.

"See you dont. No one does. Thats why all this stuff keeps happening to me", she said. Her eyes were getting shiny and I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"Youre just drunk right now. You dont know what youre saying...", I said.

"I know excatly what Im saying Rayan. I want you", she said.

"But.... Chres."

"We dont really do anything anymore.... Its making me sad", she frowned.

"Lets go. You need to sleep this off", I said leading her to the room. I helped her get in the bed and as I was about to walk away, she held onto my arm.

"Lay with me please", she pleaded. I shook my head. It didnt sound like such a good idea to me. "We dont have to cuddle. Just lay in bed." I sighed and climbed onto the bed next to her.

Minutes passed and I figured she was sleep. I moved to get out the bed but I felt her jump onto me, straddling me. "Why are you leaving?"

"I thought you were asleep..."

"Not at all", she chuckled. We stared at each other and she started leaning down. She was trying to kiss me again and I was going to let her. Her lips brushed right over mine until she stopped. We almost kissed.

She dropped her head down to my chest and just broke down. Ive never seen anyone cry this much before. "Im sorry Ray. Theres just so much going on and I want to get away from it. Ive been through way too much in this last year. Now my mom is gone and..... I just cant. Im so sorry!" She continued crying. Now i kind of feel bad for what I did. Ill just have to get over it..



And Follow Me On Instagram: @gee.anni :)

Can Anyone Tell Me How Long Ava And Chres Have Known Each Other? Since The Kidnapping And Everything...Cause Idk

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