Chapter 27

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"Help me kill him?", he asked surprised.


"No. No no no. I'm not putting you in any type danger. You stay here", he demanded.

"PLEASE! Chresanto! I'm not just gonna let him violate me like that and NOT get revenge", I begged.

"Ava I said no. That's final", he said and walked out the door. I sat there with my arms crossed. I picked my phone up and called Rayan.

"Hello?", I heard Ray yawn.

"Sorry for waking you, but can you come get me please?", I asked.

"Sure.. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine. I'll explain when you get here", I said then hung up. He was here within 10 minutes. When I got in his car I looked at him. He had on some pajama pants, no shirt, and his braids were unraveling. I raised my eyebrows,"Wow."

He laughed and drove off,"What?"

"You look good for someone who just woke up", I said.

"Thank you... So what's happening?"

"Chres is on his way to your house to kill Michael", I mumbled.

"Well... Thanks for telling me??", he said in an uncertain way.

"Wait.. You don't care?"

"Not really. I never liked him. But my mom, I don't know how she's gonna take it when she gets back",he sighed.

"She's not home?"

He shook his head,"Nah. She's on a business trip.... So why did you want to come?"

"To help Chres. He didn't want me to come so that's why I called you", I said.

He pulled over to the side of the street,"I don't think you should do anything."

"What?! Ray come on! You know what he did to me!", I whined.

"Stop whining Ava. I'm taking you back home. There's NO way I'm letting you do this", he said. He made a U-turn. "Besides.. I'm pretty sure Chres handled everything already. It's been like 20 minutes."

I rolled my eyes,"Whatever."

"Don't be mad at me. We're just worried about your safety. We want you safe", he explained. I sighed and stayed silent the rest of the ride. When we got to my house I went straight inside. I slammed the door but Ray came in almost immediately. "Are you mad at me?", he asked.

"No... I just want to go to sleep. But I don't want you to leave", I said laying back down on the couch.

"Isn't your mom home?", he asked.

"Yeah... So?" He shrugged and lifted my head up so he could sit under me. I rested my head on his lap as he stroked my hair. Soon I fell asleep.

"Ava... Honey", I heard my mom say. "You have to go to school."

I groaned and turned over realizing I was in my bed. "I don't feel good... At all." Maybe Chres put me here. Where is he anyways?

"Today only. Tomorrow is no excuse and I'm serious about this. Chresanto is back so you shouldn't even be sad about anything anymore", she said. Only she had noooo idea.

"Okay.. Love you. Bye", I said. She gave me a kiss on my head and I waited till she walked out the house to get up. I went to go brush my teeth. That's always the first thing I do. I saw Chres sitting on the couch watching tv. I sat down next to him,"Why you out here?"

"You looked so cute and comfortable in the bed", he laughed. So Rayan must've put me in the bed. "Oh.. And Ray told me everything that happened. You know? I actually like him. I don't like just anyone."

I looked down,"Oh.. Yeah. So what happened with...... Michael."

"Don't worry about it. He's taken care of", he smiled. "So why didn't Ray have a shirt on? Hmmm?" He said in a way so I knew he was joking.

"I called him immediately after you left. He had just gotten out the bed. But he does look good for just waking up right?"

"Better than you", he laughed. Well he was right. I look horrible when I get up. I laid my head down on his shoulder and looked up at him.

"You can kiss me now if you want?", I smiled.

"Are you sure? Don't think you're forced to... I can still wait", he said.


"No.. I lied", he laughed. I kissed him gently at first.

Once I got used to his lips, that's when it got intense. I turned my body around so that I was facing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he broke away. "You're not ready yet. You might think you are... Just give it a couple more days."

I frowned,"I can't do anything."

"You could still kiss me.. Maybe a little touching but that's it", he smirked.

I liked the sound of that.




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