Chapter 37

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The doctor walked in with papers in his hand. "So we found out what the problem was... You............... Are very lucky. You're not pregnant."

I put my head down,"I'm not sure that's 'lucky'.."

"You have signs of food poisoning. Hold on while I go get some medicine", he said then left.

I looked over to Chres and he forced a smile onto his face. I could tell he was sad.

"This is your fault", I groaned.

"Wait.. For what? Aren't you happy?", he asked.

"I should be but I'm not! You got me wanting to have a baby at 17. A part of me hoped that I was", I said.

"Oh... We still can though. Only a year till you graduate", he smiled.

"I'm a senior, Chres. When you took me, I was just ending school", I laughed. "So that's only 3 months."

"So you're saying...... You want to have a baby with me when you get out of high school?", he asked.

"I mean.. I know my mom would be super super disappointed and stuff but yeah."

He thought for a second,"Thanks for the offer but I want you to finish school. College and everything. About the kidnapping stuff, we have to go to court. You have to tell them that you don't want to press charges. That way, we can live a normal life. I could also get a job... THEN we could start a family", he explained.

"You're right....." Dr. Moby walks in an handed me a paper bag.

"Here's your medicine", he said. I grabbed it and stood up.

"Thanks. Have a nice day", I smiled. Me and Chres walked out the room and I bumped into someone. You know who it was? Maddie. She had a white bandage wrapped around her head.

"Watch where you're going", she spat. I ignored her and tried to keep walking but someone grabbed my arm.

"Is this that Maddie girl?", Chres asked.

"Yes I am. Hey... Aren't you the guy that kidnapped it", she asked. This was not the time.

"She has a name", he growled.

"Well she doesn't deserve one", she laughed.

Chres was trying to hold back.. I could tell. I held his hand,"Lets go.,"

"Wait", she laughed again,"Don't tell me you're DATING the guy that kidnapped you?! Hahahaha!"

"Did you forget that I already kicked your ass? We're not in school Maddie. I won't get in trouble", I threatened.

"You're not gonna do anything to me or I'll call the police. They'll take your little boyfriend away from you", she said with an evil smile.

"Go ahead. Lets go Chres", I said walking away. Once I realize he wasn't following me, I looked back and saw him talking to Maddie. She had a look of true fear on her face. I wonder what he was telling her...


*one week later*

Me and Chres were on our way to the police station. When we got there a cop automatically recognized Chres and talked into his walkie talkie. "Aren't you Ava?", he asked. "And isn't this the guy that kidnapped you?"

"Yes. I came to drop any charges. I'm actually dating him right now. He didn't really kidnap me...", I said.

"You do realize he is 23. You're only 17. That's illegal", he replied.

"We're not having sex. Therefore it isn't illegal and you can't do anything", I lied. "So you need to make sure that when we're out, he's not getting arrested."

"Okay.. Follow me", he said. He led us in a back room so we could fill out some paperwork. He asked lots of questions about us and we answered them. Not truthfully of course. I was just glad we could live a normal life now.


"I'm so happy now!!", I yelled as we were about to walk out the police station. As soon as I opened the doors, we were attacked with flashes. "What the fuck?"

"Ava is this your kidnapper?"

"I heard you were dating him!"

"How are you dating your kidnapper?!"

"Ava! Chres! What's your story?!"

Of course we didn't answer one question. We pushed through the crowd and made our way to the car.

He started driving away,"How do they find us?!"

"I don't know... Who knew we were dating?"

We both looked at each other.





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