Chapter 32

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A/N: Im Sorry Some Of You Can't See Chapter 30.. But Please Stop Telling Me. I Can't Do Anything About It.



"Fuck!", I yelled out in frustration. I didn't mean to be so harsh on her. "Ava?!", I called. She didn't answer. I just heard shuffling. I hopped of the couch and grabbed my keys before walking out the door. I continued to call her name but she wasn't answering. I hung up and got in my car, making my way to her house. As I was driving, I saw Chres walking down the street. He looked like he was crying so I stopped the car beside him. "Chres!"

He looked at me,"What."

"Man something's wrong with Ava! I was just on the phone with her and she was crying. She told me she was sorry.... I was calling her name on the phone but she wasn't answering", I said hitting the steering wheel. "FUCK! JUST GET IN THE CAR!"

Chres jumped and opened the door, hopping into it. I sped off down the street towards her house. "Why are you not at home with her!?"

"Her mom... She kicked me out. I don't know where I was going.. Oh my gosh. I should've stayed with her", he mumbled. I shook my head and didn't say anything else. It was a 10 minute ride but we finally pulled up in front of her house. We both sprinted out the car to the door. We were banging on it until her mom opened it.

"What's the problem?", she asked A little annoyed. Me and Chres pushed past her and looked around.

"Where's Ava?!", Chres yelled.

"In her room.. Why?", she said. Then we all heard a loud bump come from the back.


When I heard that bump, I ran to her room and tried opening it. It was locked. I kicked and kicked on the door until it flew open. There I saw the chair on the floor and Ava hanging from the ceiling.

"No. No. No no no no no", I repeated as I rushed over to her. I lifted her body up so that the cord wasn't strangling her. She can't be dead. The tears were pouring out my eyes by now. "HELP PLEASE!!"

"Wha--- oh my gosh..", Ray said coming into the room. He stood there with shock on his face.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STANDING THERE? CALL 911! GET SOME SCISSORS TOO", I yelled. Then her mom came in, gave one look at Ava, and fell to the floor passed out. Fucking great.

Ray was on the phone with the police while searching for scissors. He finally found some and cloned on top of the chair. "No she's not okay! She's fucking hanging from the ceiling! Get the ambulance here!", he yelled into the phone. He cut the cord from around her neck and I carried her to the bed. I sat down, laying her lifeless body across my lap. My tears were falling down to her shirt.

"Can you go in the living room please", I asked Ray. He nodded and walked out, still yelling into the phone.

I looked down at Ava and moved the hair from her face. "I'm so sorry Ava. This IS all my fault. I wish I wouldn't have taken you. You'd be perfectly fine right now." I knew she couldn't hear me. I didn't even know of she was alive or not. "Please don't die.. If you do..... I don't know what I'm going to do. I love you so much Ava. I really do." I hugged her, knowing she was going to do the same thing. I held that position until the ambulance ran into the room. They tried to take her away from me but I held on.

"Sir, you need to let go", the man said. His eyes widened once he looked at me. "You're--"

"Chresanto", a police officer said coming in. The ambulance guy put his two fingers to Ava's neck. He shook his head.

"Please.... Don't tell me she's dead", I cried.

"I'm sorry.", was all he said. I still held her in my arms and kissed her lips. I didn't get a response. I rested my head on her chest and cried. She's dead. Because of me the love of my life is dead. I made the mistake of leaving her. I shouldn't have done it. I should've fought. Someone lifted me off her and I saw it was the police officer. The other guy took Ava off my lap and put her on the stretcher. I watched as they put the blanket over her body. Before I knew it, my arms were being put behind my back in handcuffs.

"Chresanto August. You're under arrest for the kidnapping of Ava Johnson. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law......" And on and on.

I guess not everyone has their happy ending.


OMG GUYS IM SO SORRY! I Just Didn't Know Where This Story Was Going Anymore. But That's The End...




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