Chapter 24

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"Not right now Chres", I laughed. Once again, he was trying to have sex. It's been about two weeks and we haven't done it since he came back. I could tell it was killing him but it was funny to me!

"Please??", he begged.


"PLEASE?!?!", be said again even louder.

"Tomorrow. I promise", I lied.

"No! You said that yesterday!", he yelled.

"Well sorry! I don't have time anyways.. Rayan is coming to get me", I said.

"For what?", he asked.

"Stupid teacher is making us do a project together. I swear I hate all my teachers. They do stuff to annoy me on purpose", I laughed.

"Okay then can we so it just real quick?"

I laughed,"Chresanto no! You'll be fine. When I get back..."

"I won't be here. I'm going to her my hair cut again", he groaned. It was about time. His hair was looking messed up.

"When you get back then", I heard a beep outside. "I'm leaving now."

I gave him a kiss and he said,"I love you." Then he gave me a sad face.

"Love you too Chres", I laughed. He was just trying to make me feel bad. I left and got in Ray's car.

"Are you ready to make that volcano?", Rayan smiled.

"No. I hope you're doing all the work", I laughed again. We drove to his house. It was bigger than mine and had two floors. It looked nice. We got out and he opened the door to his house. My mouth fell open,"Boy are you rich or something?"

"I guess you can say that. Well, my parents are. I don't care much for money", he said following me in. We went to the dining room and I saw the volcano already done on the table.

"You're done!?", I asked too loud.

"Yeah. I did it last night. It only took 30 minutes", he laughed.

"Then why'd you come pick me up?", I asked.

"Because I just wanted to hang out. Get to know you more...", he said. I pulled a seat out and he did the same, sitting right in front of me. So close that our knees were almost touching.

"What do you want to know?", I asked.

"What's your favorite band? When's your birthday? What's your favorite color?", he started off.

"Mindless behavior. It's funny because Chres looks like one of the members (LMAO). February 22, 1996. Purple", I answered. "And you?"

"I don't really listen to music like that. January 6, 1996. My favorite color is purple too", he smiled.

"Did you ever want to get braces?", I asked looking at his teeth. I mean, to me, they weren't bad. Unless you're missing teeth or something, it's fine.

"No.. My parents have been trying to make me but I don't want any", he answered. "My parents try to make me do alot of stuff to change me. They want me to be THEIR image of a perfect son..."

"I'm sure they don't mean it", I said trying to cheer him up.

"They do. They're always comparing me to other teenagers. Since all their parents are rich, their sons are stuck up. I don't want to be like that", he explained and put his head down.

"Oh.." I could tell he goes through a lot. I would hate it if my mom tried to force me to be someone I'm not. He hides his feelings so well... But right now, I could tell he was broken. "Just like you'll be there for me, I'll be there for you." I leaned forward and put my hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head up and looked at me. "Okay?"

He leaned in slowly but then put his head back and shook his head. "Ava.. I think you should go."

"What? Why? I just got here", I asked confused.

"Because I really REALLY want to kiss you right now. But I don't want to ruin what you and Chres have. It's like every time you say his name, you light up", he said saddened.

"I know Ray... But don't get me wrong, I like you too. I don't know why. I think it's just because you're so different and you care about my feelings. I still want to be friends with you and hang out. I'll leave though, so you could think okay?", I said.

He nodded and we both got up to leave. When he got to my house, I hugged him,"Are you gonna come get me tomorrow?"

"Of course", he smiled. We said our goodbyes and I went inside. The house was empty because Chresanto had already left. I walked into my room and fell onto the bed. I heard a knock and looked up to see Michael at the doorway.

"Oh hi. Is my mom home?", I asked.

He walked in,"No."

"Then can you get out? This is my room", I asked with attitude.

"I had something else in mind", he smirked. He got closer to me and I backed up onto the bed.

"I'm warning you. If you touch me, Chresanto will find and fucking kill you", I threatened.

"I'm afraid not. By the time he's back, I'll already be gone", he laughed. He smacked me across the face and got on top of me,"Now if you scream, I will kill you. I'm not afraid. And if you tell ANYONE about this, you'll never see your mom again. That's a promise."

He hit me where it hurt the most. My mom.


(I'm not going to describe the rape scene because I don't want to. I hope none of you are offended by what's happening. But yeah. He rapes her...)


Before he left, he dressed me. He hurt me SO bad. He did the worst things. I wasn't moving. I couldn't. I felt paralyzed. For my mom, I had to act like nothing happened. But I knew that what just happened was going to change everything.


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