Chapter 20

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George's POV

I sat on Ellie's bed thinking of what to say. What am I meant to say? Sorry? But what am I sorry for? I haven't done anything she's the one who dumped me.

"Well?" She asked impatiently

"Well..Urm..I'm sorry Okay? I promise nothing was going on between me and Ella she was just a friend." I said.

"George this was in the past I don't want to speak about it. Things just ain't going to work out, it was just a teenage relationship." She said.

Well that hurt. Just a teenage relationship?

Well this shits just getting me pissed off.

"Just a fucking teenage relationship? That's not what it said in your diary when whoever was sharing your secrets about. I actually loved you! You selfish little bitch!" I said before standing up and walking out her bedroom door.

"Fuck you George I HATE YOU!" She screamed.

I stormed out of Ellie's and Laura's house and rushed back to where me and the boys were staying. I fucking hate her! I wish I never ever met her!

Once I got home I threw myself on the couch and just stared at the Ceiling. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out.

From Ellie;

We need to talk meet me at Starbucks.

Is this chick serious? One minute she's telling me she hates me and never wants to see me again and now she wants me to meet her.

I walked out the house and to the Starbucks. I looked around for Ellie but she wasn't here yet. I ordered a coffee once it was done I sat at a table in the corner.

I waited for twenty minutes and Ellie still wasn't here. Just as I was getting up to leave Ellie came in the door and spotted me, she came and sat on the opposite side of the table.

"About time" I mumbled.

"Sorry, I was getting ready."

"Want a drink?" I asked.

"Nope thanks, I'm just here to talk."

"Well?" I asked.

"Oh yeah..well...I know we got off on bad terms but if we can't be together can we at least be friends I don't want to lose a good friend." She said.

"Eeerrmmm..... Sure.." I smiled.

"Good" She smiled. "Want to come back to the flat? The boys are still there"

"Okay" I smiled and got up, I walked to the door and held it open. Oh shit it's raining.

"I hate rain" Ellie whined.

"Me too" I giggled.

"Georgeeeeee stop giggling its cute..!!" She whined.

I giggled again as we started to walk back to her and Laura's flat.

"Are you cold" I asked?

"A bit but its not long away so it's Okay" she said.

"Here" I said taking off my jumper and handing it to her.

"You'll be cold" she frowned.

"Just put it on Elz" I said. She sighed and put the jumper on.

"Are you smelling my jumper?" I giggled as I heard her keep sniffing.

"...No...what are you talking... About." She tried to keep a straight face.

"Whatever you say Elz" I giggled.

"We're back!" Ellie said as we walked into the front-room.

"Have you guys sorted thing out!?" Laura asked.

"Yep" I smiled.

"Are you back together?" Laura smiled widely.

Me and Ellie shook our heads at the same time and Laura sighed.

"We'll it's getting late I'm gonna shower and go bed. Gotta get up early for work" Ellie said.

"Night George" She smiled handing me back jumper.

"Night Cutie" I giggled.

Ellie laughed before saying goodnight to everyone and went to her room.

Ellie's POV

I thought about George when I was in the shower. (You dirty people not like that). We're not back together but were friends, at least were talking.

When I finished in the shower I dried myself and got into my pyjamas. I laid in bed and just as I was dozing off someone came into my room.

"Night Elz love you" The voice I recognised to be George said before kissing my forehead and leaving the room.

"Love you too" I whispered before falling to sleep.

His Just A Boy (George Shelley/UnionJ)Where stories live. Discover now