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Ellie's POV.

-7 Months Later- (She was already two months pregnant when she took the test)

I feel like absolute shit right now. My contractions have started and I'm going in to Labour.

I'm in so much pain and I feel like I'm dyeing, I can't wait to just have the baby and get rid of this pain! It's torture.

''Shh it's gonna be Okay'' George said squeezing my hand in a comforting way. I took a sharp breath before breathing out.

We had not long arrived at the hospital and I'm laying in a hospital bed with George by my side, the nurse told me that I shouldn't push until she arrived back to the hospital room.

The nurse arrived back to the room and asked George to step away from the bed.

''Please stay'' I whimpered to George. George gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before some nurse took him to the other side of the room.

''When I say push, push Okay?'' The nurse said, I nodded quickly squeezing my eyes shut from the pain.

''1,2,3 Push!'' The nurse said. I pushed feeling even more pain. ''Fuck'' I swore gripping onto the side of the bed.

''And Again'' The nurse instructed before I pushed again. ''I can see the head!'' The nurse said.

''One Last Time Push!'' The nurse said before I heard a few cries and blacked out.

-20 Minutes Later-

I opened my eyes and winced at the pain I felt on my lower half.

''Your awake!'' George said, he was sitting on a chair beside my bed with the baby wrapped in his arms. ''It's a girl'' George grinned. I smiled.

''Can I hold her?'' I asked, George nodded and handed me the baby just as the nurse came in, I looked down at our baby and smiled. I done it, I finally had my baby.

''Ah! You're awake!'' The nurse smiled walking over to my bed. I smiled up at her and she smiled back at me.

''Congratulations, I have some guests out here for you but I'm afraid there is too many of them so I'm just going to check you and the baby over and discharge you, then your free to go.'' The nurse explained. I nodded and she took the baby to the over side of the room, she checked the baby's breathing and heart rate, everything was fine.

''Mr.Shelley?'' The nurse asked, George looked up at nodded. ''The baby is fine, could you take her outside for a minute so I can check Ellie over please'' The nurse said to George. He nodded and took the baby outside.

''I'm just going to check to see if there is any bleeding if not your free to go.'' She explained to me. I nodded and let her check me over.

His Just A Boy (George Shelley/UnionJ)Where stories live. Discover now